I rang my GP but they told me to ring my closest antenatal unit, which I did and told them that I’ve had a confirmed pregnancy test and they went through a load of questions with me and then got me booked in for my 8 week booking in appointment and they also booked me in for my 12 week ultrasound scan as well xx
Assuming you like in the UK.. Depending on the area you live in, you can self-refer your pregnancy online and from that a midwife will contact you to arrange a booking appointment when you’re between 8-10 weeks (this is just routine health history questions, blood tests etc) then during/after that appointment you’ll receive a date for your 12 week scan, the first routine NHS scan Maybe contact your GP again or your hospital for advice on how/where to self-refer your pregnancy x
I rang my GP when I found out and I got booked in to see the Midwife at my GP practice for when I’m 9 weeks
Google "self refer maternity services" followed by your town/area and see if they have an online form for you to contact them. They'll then book you in. This link details what appointments you should expect as you go along. https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/your-pregnancy-care/your-antenatal-appointments/
It will vary where you are in the uk, but I’d imagine you need to self refer to your local midwife team (google midwives in my area, call them to check). They will see you around 8-10 weeks pregnant to take blood tests and family history. You have first scan around 12 weeks. Next midwife appt is 16 weeks. Then you have your second scan at 20 weeks. Congrats!!! X