Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.

3/5 engaged

Anyone else at 34 weeks or just around 3/5 engaged. How are you feeling. Are you in pain on your cervix constantly when walking or thinking baby might make an appearance early



When best to phone the midwife to tell them about pregnancy


Placentas - what did y’all do with yours?

Open to suggestions and experiences


St Helier not being helpful

I have filled out my self referral form 2 weeks ago, on the 6th February. I still haven’t heard anything back from them and this is making me feel uncomfortable. I called last week as and they said you should hear from us by next week, if not, call back. As i haven’t heard anything i just called them back and they s...


Line eyes😩

Can anyone see a VVFL on these tests or do I have major line eyes….the top one is yesterday at 8dpo and the bottom one is this morning at 9dpo



I submitted my PFL application the end of December and my application is still showing as pending on EDD: Anyone else seeing similar delays in their PFL?


Gestational Diabetes

Received the dreaded news that I have GD 😢 Feeling gutted. My blood sugar level was 8.8 after the drink and it should be below 7.8mmol. Any tips or advice anyone can share?



Anyone tired of being pregnant now it’s just dragging


Does this look okay?

First test was Saturday at 12am 2. Saturday 1130p 3. Sunday 8am 4. Sunday 11pm 5. Monday 8am 6. Tuesday (2/18) 9am


Spin classes at 14 weeks?

I am wondering if anybody knows if it’s safe to do spin at 14 weeks / second trimester of pregnancy? I used to do spin all the time but have not gone back in just over a year. I want to try and get back into some form of fitness during this pregnancy and just remember how much I loved spin…


Little rant…

Why do consultant appointments take so long? Is this the same for everyone? It did say on my letter I might be here for up to two hours but it’s now exceeded two hours and I feel a bit like it’s taking the piss expecting a pregnant woman to go that long without food and a drink… in the worlds most uncomfortable chair…


Midwife appointments.

Does anyone else’s midwife appointments consistently get changed or get there and it’s a completely new midwife so have to do the whole history/concerns all over again. It’s so frustrating especially when my husband has been planning work around appointments when they have been booked in for weeks and it to be chang...


Pregnancy Yoga

Hey! Has anyone tried pregnancy yoga in Warrington? Looking for recommendations ☺️


25 WK Midwife rant

Sorry to have a rant on here but just need to let off my steam. Had my 25wk midwife appointment this morning which I was looking forward to as not seen her since middle of Dec. I was under the impression from others and what she told me last time that they would measure my bump as of today but no she said it won't b...


Do these look too light for 15dpo?

Would I have a dye stealer now?


Harvesting colostrum

Why is it that some midwifes say you can harvest from 36 weeks and others say from 37 weeks. Im currently 36+3 weeks and want to know if harvesting now can cause any problems or if i should just wait a few more days


Line eye

Would you say this is faint line or negative one day late


Glucose Monitoring

Hi All - I am after some help 🙏🏻. I have just been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. I’ve been given my testing kit but I keeping get Err2, Err 1 & Err 4 messages. I can’t actually get a reading despite doing it multiple times. Using an Agamatrix Monitor. Any advice would be much appreciated.


Pregnancy massage Leicesterhire

Can anyone recommend someone who does pregnancy massage in Leicestershire please? I’m LE7. Thanks!


Line eyes or???

Posting on behalf of a friend she has PCOS so doesn’t know when she is due on!! She’s had 2 tests like this!!!


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