Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
So I’ve decided I’m going to visit the gp as i’m 35, we’ve been trying for about 7-8 months & nothing. This is probably a silly question but what do I say?! To the receptionist to book an appointment & to the gp? What will they ask me? I’m nervous 😟
I’m 18 weeks and have no contact details for her; I’ve seen her once. She calls me from an unknown number but not sure if it’s normal or not! Who do I contact if I need help?
I found out yesterday I’ll have to be on a continuous drip during labour I had no idea this was a thing. Apparently something to do with the fact I’m on insulin? Even though I only take once a day and atm only 7ml. Has anyone else had this? No idea it was a thing
Can anyone see anything? Taken within time frame.
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 1 month before finding out I was pregnant. My BMI is also 56. My first check up post positive pregnancy test was with a resident who seemed totally unconcerned with my thyroid condition and BMI combo. She also sent over baby aspirin to the pharmacy w/o speaking to me about it un...
Has anyone else requested a copy of their birth records/notes from QA? How long did it take? I put the request in back in October and received an email to say it was being processed a few days later, still haven't received anything 🤷🏼
Does it look like baby has dropped? First pic is at 31 weeks, second pic is at 37 weeks. Last time midwife checked he was 3/5 engaged and deffo feels like he’s gone lower🤰🏽#secondbaby
What are your best tips for pregnancy, labor/delivery and parenting? This is my first time doing any of the sort and I’m looking for all the tips and advice anyone can give me.
Looking for moisturiser recommendations for pregnancy! I’m 19 weeks on Sunday with my second and finding my skin is so tight and itchy this time round and wonder if I need a different moisturiser to help?!
This is a little rant about the midwife service I’ve received I know they’re understaffed and things but I just feel let down and need to share. So I expressed my concern at my first appointment as I said last pregnancy I had a different midwife every appointment so was always measured differently and sent for growt...
If my peak was in February 16th what dpo am I?
If my peak was on February 16th what dpo am I today?
Hello! I’m currently 29+3 days. Have just been informed I have gestational diabetes, any mums that can give me some guidance on what to expect? TIA ☺️
Anyone else see a super faint line dead centre. Gonna test in a few days again but like am I being crazy ?
I think i see lines every month am i seeing things or are there lines? I think im 11dpo but could be 10dpo
Does anyone know how to access/request your hospital labour notes?
I’m only 12 weeks with twins, but have been told I’ll see midwife as normal and consultant as well. I stupidly forgot to ask how often I’d see the consultant or when that would start from. When did you see them first during your multiple pregnancy?
Would u guy say this is my peak x
He’s not mf pregnant 🫃you better own that shiii
Does anyone know the number to call for reduced movements to Leicester hospitals please