Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
4th time mum and had GD with my 3rd. Found out this morning I have GD again and instantly feel down and anxious about it. I don’t really know what I want from this post but just wanted to express myself 😣
I’m pregnant with baby #2 had my first in April 2023 and pregnant with my second due in late May to June. I had someone make some smart comment on my Facebook about me being pregnant that I made today and said “you know what causes that right!” And I wanna know if anyone has a smart comment to say back to that sort ...
Ladies, I had gestational diabetes while pregnant however following the birth of my little one, no one cares, there hasn’t been any follow up. Does anyone know what I need to do to check and make sure that I no longer have it?
I feel like I see a line in person but would like someone else’s opinion
Has anyone noticed a correlation between not having a super hormonal pregnancy & not being super hormonal postpartum?
Anyone else nearly 35 weeks and bricking it that we could potentially be having our babies in as little as 2.5 weeks Are we feeling any nigglings. My cervix is so sore I’m convinced I’m gonna go before due date
Hi guys! I have a super rare kid free day this Friday and thinking of treating myself to a massage or something. Single mum and moneys been tight so I’ve been saving. Can anyone recommend anywhere that is good but not to £££
Does anyone know what PBC is please in Preston area? 😅 waiting for my midwife to get back to me but I have no idea what or where this place is!
Period is due tomorrow
As soon as I had my positive test I called my doctors surgery. They gave me a link to refer myself as pregnant at the hospital but I haven’t heard anything. I wasn’t told what to do or what to take but have been taking folic acid as my mum told me . Is this normal or should they have done more ?? I’m 5 weeks
Real or evap?? 10dpo today
I rang over 2 hours ago and they said they’d ring me back and I’ve heard nothing? My boy is 15 months so not sure if he’s priority or not. How long are they usually?? Fed up of waiting now.
Did you guys get your cervix checked on this appointment? I have booked a double app as I am discussing my labour/delivery plans but just wondering if I get my cervix checked too as baby is feeling so low down and so much pressure
I was diagnosed type 1 at 24 weeks pregnant after my gestational diebetes test came back at unusually high levels so I’ve had a lot to take in this pregnancy (also my first baby!) put straight on insulin and had the libre I’m now 29 weeks and for the past couple of days I’ve woken up to my levels been around 3.5 - ...
Hello, Colchester area/ is there an out of hours way to reach early pregnancy unit? Concerned about some issues I’m having but online everything is saying closed? Not sure who I should call? Or if I have to wait until tomorrow?
When did everyone get their 3+ on a digital? Currently 5+2 and i am still tested at 2-3 which is making me worried as I’ve had losses in the past 😔
Anyone else 9dpo? Negative test and no symptoms can't help but feel like I'm out this cycle 😩
My due date is tomorrow. I’ve had no cramping, no signs of labour, nothing. If anything, I feel less pregnant 😆 I have a midwife appt on Wednesday and wondered what should I expect? What do they do in these appts when you’ve gone over your due date?
More pics in comments
With previous pregnancies, the midwife always came to my house for each appointment and it was nice and easy. Now I have to travel to the hospital every single time. Is this the same for everyone?