Early April due dates

Anyone else nearly 35 weeks and bricking it that we could potentially be having our babies in as little as 2.5 weeks Are we feeling any nigglings. My cervix is so sore I’m convinced I’m gonna go before due date
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Bit tmi but this is what this app is for hahah. Me and my partner tried to have intercourse but it just hurt my cervix and my pelvis 🤣🙃 it actually wasn’t enjoyable lol. I’m due on the 1st and baby feels so low down I can feel his elbows in my pelvis 🤯

34+2 here, I'm feeling SO much pressure in my pelvis now, she's head down but I'm hoping she stays put a bit longer. I'm ready but also not at the same time 🤣

I’m bout 33weeks pregnant and feel like reality still hasn’t set in yet 😭 ik it’s gonna hit me last minute panic Baby has been active too and everytime I go for a walk the pressure in my womb increases so much lol

@Dominika elbows in the pelvis I feel you on that part 😭😭😭 I can’t just sit anyway I want to any more

Looks like we are in the same boat, if feeling pressure on your pelvis means your baby will come soon , I am all in for this 🙏

Beautiful bump photo 💖 I’m approaching 35 weeks this week! Is crazy how fast time is going… I don’t have any cervix pain (yet). I had a midwife appointment today and baby is head down but nowhere near engaged/ still high up (I’m glad) as I need more time to prepare !🤣

Not to up the bricking it status, but as mum to a 34 weeker, with friends who had 27 / 30 / 32 weekers... These babies could easily be born tomorrow, never mind 2½ weeks 😅 They're plenty cooked by 35 weeks though at least 😊

34w5d, ok I’m over it😂. Been vomiting the whole night and I’ve never experienced any sickness my whole pregnancy. I can’t get comfortable to sleep everything goes numb very quickly. My feet feel like I’ve done a marathon even if I’ve been sleeping. Let’s not start about the pressure… it’s getting to me… But u know it could be a lot worse, but just want my baby boy now 💖

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