A healthy pregnancy isn’t just about the baby. You matter too. Discover real stories from real moms-to-be and expert advice on all things pregnancy care.
Hello 👋 is anyone using pregnancy belt and finding it useful? I'm hoping it might help with back and hip pain when walking, but not sure if it's worth it. Would be great to hear your experience if you have tried one.
Anyone know roughly how long CAMHS referrals take at the moment?
I took this yesterday and when I did my calculations, I’m 3 weeks and 2 days but the line looks kinda dark in my opinion, my last period was February 15th, could I be further along than I think I am?
Hi everyone, I have been under midwife led care for the majority of my pregnancy but was moved to consultant led care at 32 weeks due to the monitoring of pre-eclampsia. I just wondered if anyone knows whether I should expect to see the same consultant every time or if it’ll just be whoever is available? I didn’t ...
Just curious, my last midwife appointment was when I was 31 weeks pregnant. She didn’t book me anymore midwife appointments till I’m 40+4 and said if I have baby before this to just ignore the appointment. I am currently 34+2 Is it normal to not have any community midwife appointments from 31-40 weeks. I am curre...
Hiya girls I’m wondering if someone can help me I’ve found out I’m pregnant and I don’t know where to start do I call or 😅I was told to go on badger notes but it’s asking me for a code of my midwife but the midwife is telling me I need to go on badger notes to get a appointment I’m so confused
hi! I am due at the end of May and wondering if anyone has recommendations for a part-time overnight nurse/doula? Most I’ve talked to are 24 hours or minimum 5-7 nights a week and we’d like a bit more flexibility. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
Hi all, after 3 rounds of IVF I’m a FTM of 44, pregnant with a due date of 3rd April. When I was discharged from the IVF clinic they recommended a C section and that I shouldn’t go over 39 weeks, but I’m 37 weeks tomorrow and still have no C section date from my local hospital. Having spoken to them they said I will...
Hi ladies, I’m currently 6w2d with my rainbow baby! When I miscarried I was with Liverpool women’s. The first scan (when I was told there was not heart beat) was and awful experience, the woman who was scanning me was a dreadful woman and the woman who was sitting behind her stood up (seconds after I had just been t...
Should I go by the missed period week the doctors do or the clear blue weeks displayed on the test? 👀
Hi mamas to be! I’ve got my 24 week appointment at the surgery, a week today. Can anyone give me some ideas what to expect please? Thank you 🩷
Hi everyone, I'm worried about the amount of sugarly treats I'm consuming and wondering if everyone here know what's the healthiest for us at this stage of our pregnancy? I regularly eat blueberries, raspberries, with yogurt for breakfast, maybe a mandarin after lunch, and in the evenings, I treat myself to a choc...
This pregnancy is all different to my last in that it’s done on an apt now. I’m 9 weeks and not heard a thing from anyone about a booking apt/scan? Do I get a notification on this badger app when my booking apt is or do they call you? My maternity unit is Salisbury
Is it real??? I’m currently 10DPO after a loss a few months back and really hope so!
Has anyone called their doctors/ midwife clinic to arrange their first 8 week appointment yet? Or are you waiting a little longer? Xx
37 weeks and only 1cm dilated. Trying to not get discouraged
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