Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.

Gestational Diabetes

Has anyone else been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and been put on medication? Ive been given metformin to start with as diet isn’t working and if sugars don’t behave i have to go onto insulin. Has anyone experienced the same? Not sure what it means for baby and if he’ll have to come early due to this? Trying ...


Ramadan 2025

I am 32 weeks pregnant, should I fast or am I exempt? Have read mixed advice (sunnah)


GIFs ONLY (HIS or HER) Reaction 😁.

When you told your significant other , that you were pregnant 😎.


Gestational diabetes

I am 33+5 weeks and have just been diagnosed with GD, has anyone got any good meals I could try out?


Changing midwife

Anyone in high Wycombe requested to change their midwife? If so, how have you done it and was it hard? Thanks!


I need help massively 😭

That’s me laughing not crying btw girls! 😂 However, I live with my mum, dad, partner and 2year old! I’m obviously currently pregnant haven’t got enough money to go private. And dare not tell my mum or dad😂😂😭 how do I address this? My mum keeps saying “you best not be pregnant” when hearing me throw up or when you…


Daily Aspirin

Hi everyone, had my 12 week (13 weeks) scan yesterday. I’ll be consultant led this time as I was with my daughter as I have a high BMI, last time it just meant a couple extra growth scans and the GTT at 28 weeks. Same this time however the doctor I saw yesterday has prescribed me aspirin to take daily until the end ...



I was told to self refer to the physio back at the start of February, sent the email the same day but haven’t heard a single thing back, not even an email to say they’d received my email, any advice?


Little Help please

I know the numbers aren't accurate but I'm confused is this considered a three day peak? Or what is happening? And why positives on cd 25?


Pregnancy recommendations? 🐣

Any classes, events, books, podcasts, sleep aid etc you've found useful? I'm enjoying • yoga with Maryline in the city centre • betterbirth podcast • pregnancy & postpartum tv youtube • lavender pillow spray


Need Portland doula recommendations please!

Did anyone have a doula they absolutely loved? I’m looking for a gentle, warm, calming presence. I’d like someone very experienced - at least 5-6 years. Comfortable in silence / not overly chatty (this sounds mean but I just know I will have very low patience during labor and naturally introverted 😅). Ideally…


First appointment tomorrow

Im having my first midwife appointment tomorrow and this is my first pregnancy. I dont really know what to expect and what i will be asked or what i should be asking. Any tips? x


Do you guys see a vvvvvf shadow?

Or is it just me. 8dpo pm on a 2h hold, will test tomorrow but couldn’t wait. Can post more pics if needed


GD is making me more emotional??! Just a rant 😩

I was diagnosed with GD (so annoying) and so I’ve been needing to watch my carb intake and check my blood glucose 4 times a day. This process has started to make me realize how much a yummy snack actually impacts my mood and emotions. Being 33 weeks pregnant, I’m achey, and sometimes cranky… and all I want is some...


Random appointments

Has anyone been given an appointment like this on badger? Literally appeared this afternoon for tomorrow and I haven't a clue what it's for or what it means..


Random post about awkwardness!

So, I know my midwife! We went to school together and haven't seen eachother in 18 years.. all has been fine so far with appointments BUT I was told all bloods and sweeps etc will be done at hospital. I had an appointment today and she mentioned that baby is big and they will want to induce on or close after my due ...


Line eyes

3 days late but there nothing here is there?


is there any sound proof for pregnant woman?

I have tickets for a few concerts this year.. Does anyone know how to sound proof or sound filter so doesn’t affect the baby or there is not such thing?


Faint faint line???

Please tell me im not crazy lol 😂 Edit: I'm 10 dpo I think.... lol



When’s everyone’s first appointment ? Mine is April 1st


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