@Shay I have but it was negative but I'm only 9dpo
Okay yeah ive heard of people's LH staying elevated if pregnant. Did you have an actual peak when you were supposed to ovulate?
What app is it you’re using? Xx
So how high was your peak 9 days ago?
My ovulation tests are always positive during pregnancy. Take another pregnancy test. Best of luck!
@Hannah Pregmate
@Jessica I think 98 from what the numbers say but it definitely wasn't as darker as the ones up top
I know sometimes your body tries to ovulate and you will get a peak but doesn’t actually release an egg so then your body would try to ovulate again . Maybe that is what is happening
Ya sounds like your body just tried but didn’t quite manage and now actually ovulated. Your luteal phase length will be fairly consistent still so your expected period will be delayed
It means take a pregnancy test ❤️🙌🏼
Try pink dye ❤️
I see a very faint line
Yes I do too 🥰that’s why I say get a first response ❤️❤️
@Lillian I'll have to get a first respond!! my Pregmate was negative, but I know it takes more hcg with them.
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Did it have a shadow at all
@Susan I can't see it 😭
@Lillian I didn't as far as I could see
Praying you get BFP
@Lillian I've also been cramping the past two days but nothing yet as far as any bleeding
I had cramping today like a belly ache too at 11 dpo
I think I see something however I hate blue dyes! They’re so deceiving at times. Defo try a pink dye 🩷
@Aimee 🍓 they really are....
You could be ovulating late? Have you taken a pregnancy test?