Community Posts, Tips & Support on Trying to Conceive

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.

Almost to the finish line

Its starting to get real after you get this test done I cannot believe We are so close to having a baby I got this done 3 years ago I couldn't remember if I was Extremely sore down there 🥴😔


Thinking of a second baby

This is really more of a story than anything I just wanted someone to tell. Me and my husband have one baby and she is the most perfect baby in our eyes. Before she was born he wanted 3 and I wanted 1-2 and after she was born we absolutely fell in love and only wanted just one and now I’m starting to consider a se...


PCOS testing

Has anyone been successful with getting diagnosed with PCOS either privately or on the NHS? I’m currently 24 y/o and have suffered the following “symptoms” since I was 11 y/o - excess facial hair (thick & dark hair that grows on my chin and neck) - excess hair on my chest, back and back of the legs/thighs - ver...


Why I am feeling like getting pregnant again? Didn’t have any plans yet for another baby but my mind thinks all about getting pregnant and having another baby

Is anyone also feeling the urge to get pregnant again and go through the newborn phase again?


TTC advice - second baby

Can anyone give any tips, advice, products etc that helped them to conceive with second baby? Me and my husband have been trying for almost a year, my husband was on sertraline previously but came off them around 5 months ago now and neither of us smoke or really drink, we eat healthy and exercise, I’m taking foli...



Hi! My husband and I wanted to do a fast and how do we do it with a baby? Like the first two hours we were able to pray praise and worship but once our beautiful little boy woke up it was harder to focus. It was my husband’s first time fasting as he is new to Christianity.


How long have you been TTC

Wondering what time frames were experiencing for baby number two. My first it was easy as could be, I got pregnant within 3 months and it was the first month I really cycle tracked and understood. This time I’m on month 5 or maybe 6? Seemingly doing everything right on both sides. Wondering what other people’s times...


Buserelin injections..

I’m currently on day 15 of my injections, but 3 days late for my period. I’m due a scan and bloods on Wednesday 12th but panicking that I’ve not gotten my period yet.. anyone else been in this situation??


How to convince husband for another baby 🤭

So I'm 28 this year and hubby will be 34. We currently have a 4 month old and I'm most definitely trying to have another. What are some ways you'd convince hubby for another baby if he's still a bit hesitant 🤭🫣🤔


Had a chemical pregnancy early Feb - anyone have success after the first period for TTC?

I wondered how common it is to get pregnant in the next few cycles or is it unlikely


Second baby

I’m just looking for peoples experiences if they have had a second baby. My little one turned 1 at the end of January and my partner and I would like around a 2 year age gap so would like to start trying for baby no2 in June/July time. How has it been for anyone including in pregnancy with a 1 year old?


Planning a pregnancy advice please

I was diagnosed with UC in December and we are hoping to start trying for baby number 2 soon. Any advice or information anyone has would be amazing thank you!



After 2.5 years of ttc I finally had a big blue line 🥹. I am 5 days late but was too scared to test and be disappointed. My positive is finally here 🙏🏻


I have been ttc my first baby for 8 months now have regular cycles and all is normal I had numerous tests such as the hsg to check my fallopian tubes which are open. My partner has also done the sperm analysis which came out okay too.

I’m running out of ideas and am not sure what else I can do. I have tried mucinex and pre conception pills. I tried going for acupuncture and eating healthy I just feel like I’ve given up now :( can anyone advise me if it also took you 6 months to a year



Is there anything you guys tried ttc that worked? I’m really loosing hope now every month is so disheartening and I work in a ultrasound clinic so I’m around it everyday it’s effecting my mental health so much I just want my baby, I’ve tried looking weight exercising eating healthy ect, macroot, ttc supplements ect ...


FTM at 22

I’m 35+5 weeks and i feel like i have so much to do!😩 Baby has everything he needs but i’m still questioning myself if i’m ready. like how and where to set up his bottles,steriliser,prep machine, nappies, dummies and everything else. i’m just really struggling and i want to make it as easy as i possibly can for…


Vaginal dryness and no libido!

Hello Mamas I’m experiencing vaginal dryness and literally no libido at all, my husband have told about it that I lost interest in sex now I tell him it may be because I’m stressed taking care of a 1yr old and 2yr old plus working and house chores I’m literally busy all day but then I need help recommendations on an...



my baby is 4 days old now, and i have yet to be able to get him to latch on. he did once while in the hospital but not again. 😭 im feeling pretty discouraged, im not sure what to do. if you have any advice pls feel free to tell me! </3


Finally a positive test!

We’ve been trying to conceive for 2+ years and i finally have a positive test! We have male factor infertility so knew it would be a long process but I’m sooo happy! It’s my husband birthday this weekend and I can’t wait to surprise him! Just need to share somewhere because I’m holding onto the surprise and I’m bu...


Officially 6DPO

Gave in and tested knowing it’s too soon ..


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