
Hi! My husband and I wanted to do a fast and how do we do it with a baby? Like the first two hours we were able to pray praise and worship but once our beautiful little boy woke up it was harder to focus. It was my husband’s first time fasting as he is new to Christianity.
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The baby shouldn’t affect your fast. I have a family of 7 and do it alone often. It’s your self control. Rather at work at home

There are different ways to fast. I tend to fast from 3pm till 3am or till I wake up around 4-5am. But I ensure I wake at midnight to pray. The reason I fast this way was because during the day I work, and it can be very hard for me to focus, all I think about is food. You can also fast away from social media for some time. The main thing is that you dedicate that time of fasting to pray.

Yeah there are different ways. If you are breastfeeding then I wouldn’t do a food fast. But you can do a media fast or like junk food fast. Something like that. You can still pray and worship all day you’ll just need to also take your baby with you.

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