Thinking of a second baby

This is really more of a story than anything I just wanted someone to tell. Me and my husband have one baby and she is the most perfect baby in our eyes. Before she was born he wanted 3 and I wanted 1-2 and after she was born we absolutely fell in love and only wanted just one and now I’m starting to consider a second one but we both keep going back and forth on if we want another one or just her. She has always been such a good baby and I think that’s what is convincing me but at the same time I don’t think another one would be as easy as her and that scares me.
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The way I see it is you’ll never regret another baby. But you could always regret not having another … call me a bad influence!!

That’s one of my points that keeps popping into my mind because my mom always rubbed it in my face that she wanted more than just me (I’m an only child) On the other hand that always made me feel awful because I loved being an only child

My husband and I keep going back and forth as well and it is an absolute emotional rollercoaster. It’s tough working through that.

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