@Crystal ohh no I’m not taking any medication
How balanced is the home work load between you and your husband? You described doing a lot. I don’t even just mean physical labor but also mental load? It’s pretty well known that woman start losing sexual attraction or desire if they feel like they are carrying the load so to speak? Foreplay doesn’t start in the bedroom. If that’s not the case either, I’d talk to your doctor about getting hormone levels checked maybe. Also do you get outside enough, I know you are very busy but those sound like inside obligations. Vitamin D is vital to energy levels including sexual health.
I only brought it up because that happened to me. Well mainly I lost the ability to climax which let me tell you was AWFUL to always just teeter at the top of the roller coaster if you know what I mean. I switched to a different one that wasn’t as likely to cause sexual side effects and it definitely worked.
Are you on any medications that could be having a side effect? A lot of SSRI’s could do that? Not saying to stop them if so to clarify, just wondering if that could be a possibility?