Hey! I was diagnosed with insulin resistant PCOS. They put me on metformin and it worked so well I got pregnant within a month of being on it (I definitely wasn’t trying). I have very similar symptoms, I have facial hair, chin/neck/chest/belly hair, I had a couple of balding spots on my scalp. It comes in “waves” for me. My acne will get super bad and I’ll gain wait uncontrollably, I found with a super strict diet I was able to manage it on my own. But this last flare up was super bad for me. They ran blood tests and they seemed normal but they found cysts on my ovaries and found out I wasn’t actually ovulating. Still had periods and such but they were super painful to the point I was vomiting and would call off once a month. I went to the hospital and they kept saying I didn’t have it. I went to a private clinic for women and they ran their own test and they diagnosed me with it.
I’m 27 and was diagnosed at 17 due to rapid weight gain, irregular periods, and irregular hair growth. My doctor explained to me that PCOS is a diagnosis based on hitting certain criteria, not an actual test they can give. Unless you have polyps or cysts on your ovaries that they can see, but that’s not necessary for a diagnosis as you can have PCOS without having cysts. I’m sorry you’re having so much trouble getting a diagnosis, I hope you find a doctor who listens to you and can give you answers soon!
I'm in the US so different healthcare system but I was diagnosed in 2021. It took being dismissed by 6 doctors before one finally took me seriously and ran tests. I hope you get the answers you need soon because being made to think nothing is wrong when you know there is can be maddening.
Hey, I was diagnosed with pcos about ten years ago and I’m almost 26. From what I recall it was just blood tests they did for me and the solution was to go on the pill which I declined and they advised me to go back once I wanted to try for babies. I’ve been to the GP many many times now since the diagnosis and have stated I have pcos and they’ve never once disputed. I have very irregular periods and difficulty losing weight as well as problems with my thyroid. I now manage my pcos symptoms as best I can via diet and lifestyle x