Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.
So I was told by my doctor to wait until year half to start trying for second baby. I did now I kinda reject it. I haven’t had any luck getting pregnant. Is anyone else in the same boat as me?
Has anyone else been struggling to conceive baby number 2? We’ve been trying for a year now and have not managed to get pregnant ☹️ we got pregnant straight away with our first, everyone around me is pregnant at the minute and on baby number 2, feeling really lost and lonely.
How many drops of VitD are you giving your 11 months old of the Ddrops? 400IU
Hiya, just wondered if anyone had any advice for TTC but trying not over obsess over it all? My fiancé and I have been trying since August 2024 (started as not being as careful and ended up with me now over analysing every tiny bit of my cycle🤦🏻♀️). Everyone keeps saying “oh we conceived when we stopped actually…
We are planning on trying soon for our 2nd baby, but I've heard it can take longer so was just wondering what others experiences were trying to conceive. I got pregnant first try with our June baby but I don't want to get my hopes too high that it will be as easy again, trying to stay realistic so I dont get too wo...
36 and been trying nearly a year. This is only after about 3 or 4 minutes.
Any peloton moms out there who want to cycle together?
I honestly can’t decide about having a second baby. Some days I’m like absolutely and can’t wait but some days I’m so happy with our little family and don’t want anymore. How will I know what to do?! My partner does want a second one but is happy for me to make the decision
Anyone else tried and failed to harvest? I'm sure that it's me not being patient enough and Google tells me if can't do pre-birth it doesn't relate to post birth capability but just frustrating 🫠
Anyone else still dealing with PPA?
Anyone here had a breech baby and what did you find helped turn bubba around? Currently 34 weeks 😩
2 under 2!!! Lord I didn’t expect this but I took a test today and got a positive one. I’m happy, nervous and scared. Anyone in the “2 under 2” club?
I had x2 early losses last year, one in March and another in September. No living children and I’m desperate to start a family 😔 It took 6 months between losses last time to fall pregnant but I’m in my 6th month post loss now and I’m getting negative tests so onto the next… I know it can take up to a year for most…
Hi all! Soooo my son is 13 months old. My husband and I know we want to have another baby and want them close in age (2.5-3years apart). We aren’t actively trying but I recently just had a little pregnancy possibility that turned out to be negative, and it made me so sad 🫠🤣 It got me thinking, should we be…
2 DPO.. anyone with me! Why does it feel like the longest wait!
After 2 1/2 years TTC I finally got my first positive yesterday after a frozen transfer!! Shocked & so excited to finally be part of one of these groups 🥰🥰
Been ttc for 6 years atp getting a little desperate
My son is almost 4 months old and I want another baby! My fiancé and I both agree that we want our kids to be pretty close in age. I’m so back and forth on wanting to wait and wanting to try right now. 😅 As a first time mom with my son, it’s been hard but I don’t feel like such a new mom anymore now that my baby is…
Do not give up hope ladies !! & don’t let anyone tell You that you’re symptom spotting if you know your body trust it sometimes it be the smallest little things believe in yourself always !🫶🥺and GLA🙏🤍 So i started having early symptoms but eventually got discouraged along the way and today something amazing…
Hello! My husband and I have received a high dna fragmentation result, his is 40.3%. Our consultant says he doesn’t think it matters that much and we should still crack on. And that there is a 50/50 chance his results will improve by giving up smoking for the next 3 months and taking the supplements. Has anyone el...