I tried everything; swimming, yoga, spinning babies, hot and cold packs etc and I even went in to have an ECV but they wouldn’t do it because she had one leg up and one leg down. If your baby doesn’t turn, they will send you for a scan at 36 weeks to check position and then you will have a discussion with a consultant about your options. They are reluctant to try VB because not many midwives have experience with them! My consultant wanted to try an ECV and wouldn’t let me have an elective c section, I went to have the ECV and they couldn’t do it because of her position and booked me in for a c section the next week.. however I ended up having an emergency c section two days later. My biggest advice is to make sure you have a plan in place if it is a c section as the recovery is so different to a VB. 🤍
No advice sadly as my stubborn little lady never turned (I tried all of the things that Millie above mentioned 😂). I had an elective section booked for 39 weeks, but my waters went 5 days before so she arrived by emergency section instead. Aside from the 10 hours of unmedicated contractions beforehand, the section was a peaceful experience and my little girl arrived safely!
Not sure what can help but my baby was breech on his own by 30 weeks. It will happen momma🤍