Community Posts, Tips & Support on Trying to Conceive

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.

For those that have had their babies, did you?

Just curious!


Another baby?

Anyone else really wanting another baby now their baby is 1? I am struggling to stop myself from saying yes to another baby just yet as I’d like to wait a year until we try again, my partner wants another one right now and I do too :(


I want a girl so bad 🥹

A friend of mine told me that there are times in the month you’re supposed to conceive and follow a specific diet to have a girl… she said it’s how she had hers and it’s common in her culture… google sent me down a major rabbit hole of contradictory info… have any one you tried this?


Stranger trying to hold/touch baby

How to firmly buy politely someone trying to touch or hold your baby?


Another baby

Anyone thinking about having another?



Is it normal for TTC to be one of the hardest things you've ever done? We're on our 8th month of trying and nothing. Living my life in 2 week increments is so hard, and I'm spiralling over everything, getting all the fertility tests I can. Is there a way for it to be easier? Saying to "just relax and let it happen...


Baby #2

When are people thinking of trying for baby number 2?



I want another baby again but my partner don't I would love to have another one now so they can be close in age. I know some find it hard but I would love it having to under 2s so then we get the hard phase done and dusted till we ant another xx is the under 2 phase harsh like they say


3 DPO | who is with me?

Join me in the comments and we could keep up with each other during this TWW. ♥️



Can’t stop myself reading various threads about success stories and such, no distractions seem to work, my mind is so fixated 🤦🏽‍♀️ Anyone else doing the same or is it just me losing my 💩😂


What to do in a 5 min break?!

When your partner can take baby off your hands for a few minutes, what do you choose to do out of the long list of things you want/ need to do?!


Joining the club

Can I join the club. I found out yesterday my ivf cycle worked and my beta results came back as 205 (9DP5DT) I’m over the moon but very nervous as I’m only 4 weeks. I took my first pregnancy test this morning as I refused to do one before my blood test in case it was negative and got those two beautiful lines. I th...


1dpo ….. the wait begins

Officially 1 dpo 🤣 here’s to the longest 2weeks of my life not hopeful as I only got to do it once this month in my fertile window as hubby works away so won’t be too disappointed as not expecting it but they say it only takes 1 time 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 who’s with me in the wait let’s share the symptom spotting & moaning…



This is the longest two weeks of my life 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Tips on conceiving a girl

I have two lovely boys but would love to have a daughter! Anything sway the odds do you think in order to get a girl?


How much time did you take off.

How much time did you take off for your first baby ?


Roly poly

Did something really stupid today and thought I'd teach my toddler how to do a roly poly. Clearly forgot my age and the fact I'm 16 weeks pregnant, nearly broke my neck😭. It was only after I realised I probably shouldn't have done it and Google confirmed what I thought🫣. Google obviously put the fear that I've hurt…



I’m bf and ttc I am 6Dpo and no symptoms. Should I stop bf to ttc.


Prolapse anyone?

Had my 6week postnatal check up yesterday and was informed of a “mild” prolapse, anyone else in the same boat?


Third baby?

I know they say you’ll never regret having another baby, but was a third harder or easier than you thought? Please comment experiences.


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