How long did it take you to conceive after MC?

I had x2 early losses last year, one in March and another in September. No living children and I’m desperate to start a family 😔 It took 6 months between losses last time to fall pregnant but I’m in my 6th month post loss now and I’m getting negative tests so onto the next… I know it can take up to a year for most healthy couples (we’ve both had tests done and all fine!) but it’s technically a year next month and we’re no closer 😔 Feeling so low and like this will never happen! Has anyone had something similar and gone on to successfully conceive? Or had further testing after two losses and not conceiving soon after? At my wits end and trust me… I am trying to “relax” 🥴🫣
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I’m really struggling with this too! I had a Mc in October and been trying to conceive since and had no luck 😢

Took us a year to fall pregnant when we started trying for our first baby, that ended in a mc and then I fell pregnant the following cycle and had our son. Then we started trying in September last year, had a mc in December and then unexpectedly fell pregnant and had a mc in January, so back to back no period in between. Not trying with ovulation tests until April but have been trying from this month

Please remember everyone is different. For me, we started trying in 2010. First pregnancy in 2013 - ended in miscarry between 5 to 6 weeks. Didn't fall pregnant again until 2022 when we found out it was identical twins. Unfortunately, we lost them at 8 and a half weeks. Then, I fell pregnant in 2023 and had my daughter on Christmas day 2023. Then I fell pregnant at 6 months pp, and I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow. My daughter is 14 months old, and 2 under 2 will be fun! My point is, and it's easier said than done but try not to let it get you down. It'll happen. I was convinced I was just going to get a dog xx

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