Anyone trying for second baby?

So I was told by my doctor to wait until year half to start trying for second baby. I did now I kinda reject it. I haven’t had any luck getting pregnant. Is anyone else in the same boat as me?
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My first two kids are 2 1/2 years apart. Depending on your first, I think a bigger age gap can make your life easier. I love their age gap but I’m pregnant with our third, due next month, and my almost 2 year old is going to be miserable to care for with a baby 😅 my oldest, 4, is literally the perfect age to be having a baby at. She helps me SO much. Thank god for her, but if I didn’t have her to help and just the youngest two… it’d be tough. So maybe it’s a blessing in disguise that you haven’t gotten pregnant yet. 🤷🏼‍♀️ but good luck, you’ll get your second before you know it!

Thank you for your input. I was told it’s super hard at first, but gets easier as they get older. My mother has a 4 year age gap between her children and says she wished she had a smaller age gap because we were never interested in the same things which it made it impossible to do anything with all of us. I didn’t want that to happen and I also liked the idea of getting rid of baby things with in 2 years before we moved. It might not be in the cards for me to have a second baby with a smaller age gap.

I found out I was pregnant with my second 10 months after my daughter and delivered him via failed TOLAC when my first turned 18 months (she’s a premie so she came in March). It is a challenge now with an almost 2 year old and a 4 month old.. but you’re so capable. God would not bless you with what you couldn’t handle. I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble conceiving again… i dont know if it helps, i got pregnant with PCOS & have just been very fertile since after i stopped drinking any and all water out of anything that did not have a carbon filter, i have not stopped taking prenatal since 2021, & I would religiously track my cycle via temp every morning. I dont know if this helps everyone, but it helped me. I’ve been told since I was 12 I wouldn’t have kids and now I’m on my way to having a large family.

Oh goodness these comments are making me scared 😂 I was planning on waiting a year and a half but made it 17 months, now I'm pregnant with twins who will be born a month after my son turns two. If I had known we would be having twins I probably would have waited another year. I'm going to have 3 in diapers and waking up at night(unless a miracle happens and my son stops that). Me and my brother had a 3 year age gap and we were always really close growing up and I would help my mom take care of him when he was a baby, so the age gap isn't always a bad thing. Also, I was told I may never have kids due to an autoimmune disease I've had since I was 7, and here we are, so never give up 😊

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