Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.

Diastasis recti

I’m pretty sure I have some form of this but looks different to what I’ve seen online. When people talk about 2 or 3 finger gap etc I don’t understand it? Can anyone with diastasis recti show me what your tummies are looking like please. I’m currently 3 weeks pp and wanted to be sure and extra careful before I start...



Hello! Does anyone know if it’s safe for pregnant women to take antihistamines, and if so which ones in the UK? Thanks!


Real line or evap

There’s definitely a line there but do yall think it looks like a real line or an evaporation line?? I do not like this brand of test and find they get bad evap lines but it’s what I have haha. This was taken in the 5 minutes and was the first time I had seen a line in the timeframe. It’s gotten darker over the da...


Evap line?

A line came up within 10 mins but has got a lot clearer. Is it an evap line?


Progesterone early pregnancy??

Can anyone help me is this number good??? I’m quite early up to 4/5 weeks


Gestational Diabetes

Hey Mummas! I have a gestational diabetes and wondering everyone’s stories with this. Will it affect birth? I’m 36weeks today and no braxton hicks yet..


Baby engaged

Just had my midwife appointment yesterday (I’ll be 38 weeks this saturday) and she wrote down that baby is 3/5 palpable which means engaged. Anyone else been told baby is engaged?


Feel let down, rant

Does anyone else feel really let down by the 'care' they've had? This is my second pregnancy and I can't believe how poor it's been this time round. I'm 20 weeks, yet to actually meet my midwife. I've had a different midwife at each appointment. I understand holidays and leave and the covering midwives have been lov...


line progression thoughts?

Why is this so hard after a loss? I thought it was hard when I had my other babies, but it’s way harder not to be anxious once you’ve experienced loss! Thoughts on line progress? I’m 13 DPO today Top line: 8 DPO, 9DPO (premom whoops), 10DPO Bottom line: 11 DPO (my HCG was 60 when tested), 12DPO, 13DPO (this morning)


Line progression

I was hoping to have my dye stealer by the time of my missed period which is tomorrow. But it is much darker from the first time either way. Looking good


Gestational diabetes and birth

So this is my 3rd pregnancy but first time having gestational diabetes. I was wondering if any mums on here could tell me their experiences with labour with gestational diabetes? What happens after birth? Do they check urs and babies glucose often? Was you induced and is it much different that labour without inducti...


Midwife appointment

Hi girls !! I have my first midwife appointment on Monday what should I expect? Also how long does it last for?


12 DPO

Had my first BFP at 10DPO, period was supposed to be due today (but let’s hope she doesn’t make her way!!!) Just wondering if this is a good progression.. When I should I expect to see darker lines ? I am aware it’s still early


Would it be 2-3

If I did another digital now would it still say 1-2 weeks , I did my last one 5 days ago ?


Line eyes?

Does anyone see anything here? Feel like I can just don’t want f to get my hopes up🤞


Amazon question

I’m still waiting on an item from Amazon and I order things regularly on there but just went onto my app (I’m still logged in per normal) and it’s showing I have no orders waiting and no order history?! I definitely have an order history and I definitely am still awaiting an order!? Anyone ran into this before?


When do you call?

I’ve been getting cramps which are getting slowly more painful since this morning. I’ve been timing them, lasting around 1min30 every 7ish minutes. When do I call?


Is this a good line for 14DPO?

3 weeks 5 days pregnant


Pp linea nigra

How’s everyone linea nigra? When does it fade away?


What happens at the 36 week appointment?

I keep reading about people being scared of their 36 week appointment.. why?? Im having one tomorrow i want to know what to expect lol


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