Feel let down, rant

Does anyone else feel really let down by the 'care' they've had? This is my second pregnancy and I can't believe how poor it's been this time round. I'm 20 weeks, yet to actually meet my midwife. I've had a different midwife at each appointment. I understand holidays and leave and the covering midwives have been lovely. I am classed as high risk this pregnancy and due to have extra scans. Rang regarding my extra scan I was told I was having at 23 weeks a few weeks ago and was told the books open on Monday. Monday comes and I've got an appointment for a random hospital, neither of my 2 local hospitals because they don't have any appointments available. I was told I would be admitted if anything was picked up. Which is great at a random hospital. I went for my whooping cough vaccine a few days ago, as advised by the covering midwife. I arrived at the appointment for the nurse to tell me I can't have it until after my 20 week scan. Midwife said this will be the GPs choice, but reception was aware of how far along I was when I booked in as they asked. Spoke to gp today and they said no reason I shouldn't have had it. I spoke to my midwife about the above and a number of other things yesterday and she went through my further scans and next appointment, didn't mention anything but kept saying about A/L effecting appointments, so I had a feeling she wasn't going to be at my next one. This morning I received a text from her and rearranged it because she isn't present that day. Why not be honest on the phone yesterday about that! I could go on. I know these are only minor things but i have had enough. I've never known anything like it. I tried to call the community midwife team to discuss my options because if this was just myself, i would have just cancelled everything by now and I want to know what my options are.
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Hunni im with you im on my first child and ive never seen my midwife iv had random midwifes during hospital scans Had one appt with community midwife who wasnt mine as she was on leave so ive not met mine Im high risk too soo its a lil stressful So jelous of people who can contact a midwife all i have is an emergency triage line 😅

With my other two pregnancies I had the same midwife every single time and she was at my house like twice a month? If she wasn’t at my house I went to see her at a local clinic place. Very weird this time seeing different people every single appointment and I have to travel to the hospital each time.

Really weird about the whooping cough thing because my midwife just did mine in my 16 week appointment! I’ve only met my midwife once and she said because it’s my second baby did I actually want half the appointments… umm yes!!

Thank you for the replies. It's nice to know I'm not the only one. All the messing about is making me want a home birth, but I know they're going to push against it due to being high risk. At the moment I have no faith they can even organise an appointment let alone deliver my baby.

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