@Loz why are you getting induced?
I have Gestational Diabetes and I’m on blood pressure tablets x
I was told at 36 weeks baby was 3/5 engaged then at 38 weeks baby was 4/5 engaged 🫣 xx
At 36 weeks my baby was engaged 1/5 😬 so so low down, also 38 weeks on Saturday and no sign of him still haha
@Aimy That’s pretty good isn’t it? I wonder if it means labour is near.
I’m not sure, i thought the closer it gets to 0/5 is better as i googled it. Xx
@Aimy yeh I think that’s right. I remember looking it up on my first and it’s the opposite of what you’d expect it to be 😂
Yeah thats why i looked it up as i was a little confused as it should be getting closer to 0/5 not further away 🫣. Xx
I was told at 31+2 baby was 4/5 engaged. Not heard anything about it since and I'm now 36 weeks 37 on Monday x
I’ve been 0/5 for nearly three weeks so don’t think it means anything 🙈
I was 3/5 at 34+5.. I think if it’s your first baby they become engaged a lot earlier.
1/5 on 36 + 5 🥲
Just read the comments maybe it’s the other way round! He’s only a tiny bit engaged basically
My midwife hasn’t said anything about this! How do they check?
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@Chloe me neither!! Curious to know how / when they check this! x
@Chloe @Joanne when they check your tummy at the appointment and do the bump measurement they should check where his head is/ how low, my baby wasn’t engaged before 36 x
Yes me too… I’m also 38 weeks Saturday😊 I get induced Wednesday