Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Showers.
My baby girl Aurora is here! 05/03/25 - 7lbs 2oz Due date 18th March, she came at 38+1 after being induced due to gestational diabetes & poly. Foley balloon induction then oxytocin, successful VBAC but needed forceps as she was back to back. Family is now complete 🩷🌈💫🥹
Logan is 3 and Liam is 1 it’s been a hard journey 2 under 2 but I’m trying my best 🥰
My daughter (16 months) is literally wearing 3T. Anyone else have a tall baby?? Comment your baby's sizes i'd love to know!
Born at 1:30am Monday morning, weighing 6.8 lbs and measuring 19 inches long— our son Cash made his debut on 3/3. Original due date 3/12. Labor was fast—my water broke at 9:00 PM, and four hours we were holding him in our arms. I labored at home the first hour and arrived at the hospital 5 centimeters dilated, I we...
Oooomgggg :)
My son is 1 in may, and we’re trying to think of somewhere to take him for the day! Anyone got experience with taking a 1 year old to the zoo and is it worth it?? Any ideas of what we could do?
Child has bit of a cough and beginning of a cold but is fine in themselves just dunno how the party child or parents would feel if we still went
Our beautiful baby boy flew into the world last night at 8lb 1oz after just over an hour of labour and a total of 5 minutes of pushing 🤍🥰 Even quicker than his sister’s 4 hour labour!
Happy happy birthday to all the March 2024 baby's turning 1. When your lil ones special day? Zaza 3/28/24 💞
Bailey Kate made her arrival this afternoon, and she is absolutely perfect. My dream come true! Good luck to all mamas out there still expecting their babies, it is SO worth it. 🩷🥹
Comment your little one/s birthday below to find their birthday twin! My little one is 4th August 🧸
I am so proud of Little one every single day, and today he mastered sitting independently whilst playing and manoeuvring a toy (18 weeks). He is growing up so fast, where has my little newborn gone 😭🥰
It's an expensive place that the adult wouldn't normally pay to go to.
I can’t believe he’s been part of my life for 4 amazing, difficult, tiring, wonderful months already (if you don’t include the months in which I grew him of course!)
Juuuust need to vent 😭 my baby’s bday is next week and her party was originally going to be at the aquarium. After back-and-forth with everyone involved, it was changed to a pool party/BBQ. Of course NOW, it’s rainy, gray skies (we live in AZ), and it’s FREEZING 😭😭😭😭 WHY CANT I WIN, I JUST WANT MY BABY TO HAVE A…
Hey! My baby was born on 7 August. I think from looking I can apply for the free hours code after 1 April. Please can someone confirm that is correct? Things like this really give me anxiety 😟😄
Hi all! This may be a weird request, but does anybody know of a baker (or possibly is a baker) in Phoenix that does frosting design cupcakes in the realm of floral? I can post pictures in the comments of what I’m looking for, but my baby shower is flower themed and I was thinking it would be more fun to do cupcakes...
my little march baby is finally here, born 07/03/25 at 1:03 am weighing 6lbs 15oz very traumatic birth, but would do it all over for him 🩵
He’s here! My March 16th boy came on the 7th March 2025, super fast and crazy and needed some special help but he’s here. 🧡
Lol, happy birthday to me. I'm 27 today and almost 37 weeks pregnant 🤰🏾. I'm just moving into a new apartment today (decorating and packing hospital bags) and spending time with my toddler 🤗🥰❤️