Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Showers.
anyone else had a december 7 baby? lets see those pictures!
Had my baby everyone. March 6 Welcome Baby J to the world.
My friends are organising a reunion, we haven’t been all together since 2022. They’re talking about going away somewhere in the UK Friday - Sunday in July. My baby will by 8 months at that point, will she be too young for me to go? She’s bottle fed and will be well in to her weaning journey at that point. Wanting to...
After a dramatic entrance to the world our tiny 5lb baby graduated out of the neonatal unit on Wednesday and is now home. So excited to begin this chapter as a family of four and watch my babies become best friends 🤍
Our gorgeous baby girl couldn't wait until the end of the month and decided to make an early arrival yesterday with a super fast delivery 36 + 4 weeks, welcome baby Ada to the March babies. A tiny little 5lb 4oz Hope all you mums are looking forward to your arrivals. We are in heaven at the moment
This morning after my daughter woke up from her 1st nap of the day I went to get her from her crib as I heard her giggling. I walk in and she just starts smiling, kicking and laughing, in that moment it hit me like a truck my baby is going to be a year in 3 months and I’m just not ready for it. I grabbed her in my a...
My little boy Albie decided to make a quick appearance on 6th March at 8:35am after 2 days of contractions and then going from 5cm to him being here in less than an hour! You’ve got this girls! The reward at the end is so worth it ❤️
I have a 4 going on 5 year old. This is his first time having a “school” atmosphere. Do I invite the class? What do I write on the invitations? What should I be expecting for a birthday?
My baby boy is officially 1 years old!!! Oh boy has time just flown by 😭😭😭
What is everyone doing for their child’s first birthday?
My husband are having our 5th year anniversary and I was wondering if anyone knows a good romantic getaway. Any suggestions will be much appreciated!
Just wanted to see how the rest of the September babies are doing? My son is 5 months and 3 weeks. 9/11 I’m excited for his 6 month mark. He is getting so big!! Let’s share these cool milestones our babies reached within 6 months
She came in probably an hour, I literally was not expecting it to be that fast.. I’m so inlove and in my new mommy bubble.
at the park earlier, a little girl around the same age as my daughter went down the slide and my daughter said 'you did it! i'm so proud of you!'🥰 honestly melted my heart, she's such a sweet little thing. anyone else got any proud moments they want to share?!
2 of my friends don’t like each other, no particular reason. The 3 of us were super close growing up together but as adults they just don’t like each other anymore. I’ve invited them both to my birthday meal along with 10 other people. Friend 1 is like a sister to me but says she won’t attend if friend 2 is going, f...
Hi, My 6 years old daughter is attending a Taylor Swift themed birthday party - her friend is also turning 6. Is this an appropriate card? It’s the only TS card I’ve found - I think her friend is quite a fan! Ha
Baby boy 💙 was born March 4th at 39 weeks 1 day at 9:43am via repeat C-section. He weighed 8lbs 0oz. Going home later today
38 weeks & 2days as healthy as she want to be. Pushed out a 9 pound & 5 ounce beautiful baby girl.
I'm enjoying seeing all of these photos of babies but who is still patiently awaiting the arrival of their little one? Post your bump photos below 🥰