What’s the birthday rules

I have a 4 going on 5 year old. This is his first time having a “school” atmosphere. Do I invite the class? What do I write on the invitations? What should I be expecting for a birthday?
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I'd just invite his close friends, honestly. I asked my daughter who she wanted to invite to her party, and she only mentioned 2 of the girls from her dance class and one little boy she met when she was 3. 😆 Of course, she had her cousins in attendance too so there were plenty of people. We just did her party here at home, got a zipline and tiedyed shirts. You could always ask what theme your little guy wants too or you can pick something to do for his party that he's interested. For my daughter I did the high 5 theme and she is very active and loves art so that's where the zipline and tiedye came in to play, all the kids had a blast though.

Ask his teacher first! Some schools have a policy that you have to invite the whole class (if you’re handing out invitations at school) so nobody feels left out. If they say no invitations I’d just reach out to the parents of the kids you do want to invite!

We invited the whole class for my youngest 6th birthday however at the time everyone was her friend and it was harder to narrow it down. We paid for the venue not per child so didn’t matter and 11 turned up due to a bug going round the class. Just wrote venue, date, time and your number plus your child’s name. Also what have other kids done in his year.

@Karen we haven’t had any invites for birthdays. I think most did family but, we don’t have much family in town.

Thank you everyone!

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