Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Showers.
Hey all!! I hope you're all well! My daughter was born 11/4/24 and is four (and a half) months old! She can roll from back to belly and belly to back, she's trying SO hard to sit up on her own and looooves tummy time and learning how to crawl! I've only gotten her to giggle a couple times, but it made me cry the fir...
He was born at 7:54am and he was 6lbs 14oz 20 inches long. I only pushed for 5 minutes and I was only in labor for 6 hours. Happy birthday baby boy. 💕🥰
Hi Sydney mums! I’m a FTM to my 5 month old daughter☺️ I'd appreciate any recommendations you have for baby/pram friendly places(cafes, restaurants, libraries, parks and museums etc) for baby playdate or catch up in Sydney CBD! My daughter is not a big fan of baby carriers so I have to push the pram anywhere we go....
Thursday 10th April 🎀 Feels so surreal 🥹
My lg will be 7 weeks on Friday. She isn’t smiling yet. My HV and doctors have been asking me if she is smiling yet. When did you babies start smiling. I’m now worried something is wrong that she hasn’t started to smile.
We saw one wriggling baby tonight 🥹
My daughter will be turning 1 in May and im currently trying to plan her party and everything 😅. She's allergic to eggs and i plan to make her smash cake. Does anyone have a recipe that works well? I know you can use applesauce, bananas, or greek yogurt as substitutes but just trying to see what works best when it…
When is too soon to start planning for a first bday party? Like I already have a whole list for stuff for her and I’ve been wanting to make a fb post as an invite but I don’t know if it’s too soon to do it? Opinions? (Her bday is July 26th)
What are you guys doing for April birthdays? We having a party at Chucky Cheese 🫠 (A pic of me and my mini me)
Context: The boys are 3.5 years old and in separate classes at daycare. It looks like all the kids in twin A’s class were invited. Twin B knows the birthday girl because they do outside time together. I’m not familiar with the parents other than maybe a passing smile at pickup/drop off. The party is at an indoor pl...
Hello ladies, how are we all today? I’ve got my baby’s 16 week check up , does he have another one after?
Baby girl had her injections today, I thought it would be easier with her being my second baby, but it wasn’t, her little bottom lip just got to me! Snuggles all day for us, this mummy is a little mess today 🥺😪 Ps - this photo makes it look like she has no hair, it’s just very fine, in the growing back phase 😂
So my lil one decided that the 26th of this month was just way to long to make her arrival she decided to make her entrance 03/08/2025 she was 5 pounds 12 ounces and 17.75 inches born at 9:26 pm and she is just so awake and alert and so beautiful can’t believe she’s already 4 days old 💗🤧
Any ideas for anywhere in Thanet that I could do my baby boy’s first birthday and what did other people do?
Anyone got any idea ideas for their baby first birthday? My my little boy literally turns one in three months so I need to get something sorted ASAP really.
I know it’s a while off but is anyone else going to throw their little ones a birthday party? I’ve been told that it’s a waste of money as they won’t remember it but we waited so long to conceive i want to cherish and celebrate every milestone.
Amayah is 1 month old today ❤️ After so much loss she has brought so much joy to our lives 🥰 I love that she can wear all these items I crocheted for her during my pregnancy ☺️
I feel like my baby is a giant! He had his 6 week check up (was 7weeks exactly on the day) and was 13lbs14oz! He’s 94th percentile and his head is 98th percentile, he fits in 3-6month clothes (the feet are still too small!) , drinks 8oz comfortably in one sitting and always finishes the bottle and is on size 3 nappi...
My son will be 1 on the 20th I can’t believe how fast and have a little attitude with me tonight
my baby due date was 3/25/25, but made his entrance on 3/11/25 weighing 7lbs 12oz ❤️❤️ he’s now in the NICU I cannot wait to hold him. Welcome to the world baby boy I love you so much 💙💙