Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Showers.
Stepson turning 12- oddly specific birthday present requests and my minds blown as a young relatively new step mum to a 12 year old with a 4 year old of my own. Anyone have boys that age pls help a gal out 😭
Is everyone’s baby born in June 2024 sitting up at this point ?
I'm baking my baby first birthday cake. Which buttercream/ cream would be best?
My March 19th baby decided to come march 6th lol him so cute weighing 5pounds 7oz
HELP! I’m starting to plan my daughter‘s second birthday and I wanted to do a tea party theme. I’m starting to see some of the decorations and I’m not in love with them looking for a theme. Suggestions?
It's my birthday in April and I'm thinking about getting a new perfume I love jador and fame anyone have these and can recommend a nice one? X
Any mamas who don't work at the minute, on your littles bday if they're in nursery , do you send them in? I know the nursery will have cake and a little mini celebration for him so I don't want him to miss out on that but also I don't want to miss out on the day with him too! What would you do? Ask them to have it t...
What’s everybody thinking for birthday presents for their May baby? Please help especially if they’re not your first! Feel like our house already owns everything!
Anyone else got baby brain at 26 weeks, I forgot things and day things wrong, so embarrassing 😂😂😂
How is my baby boy 6 weeks old already
Originally, her due date was April 6th, but she arrived March 8th. Birth went well and she has been breathing so well on her own. We are both still in the hospital (I'm recovering from pre e and she is being monitored) but.hopefully going home soon!
Uma Elora came crashing into the world at 10:36pm on 5th March 2025! For anyone wondering if second babies really do come quicker from my experience... Yes they do 😂
Born via emergency c section after a long 48 hour labour. Weighing 6lb15. She is everything 😍♥️
Our little Caspian Hector arrived on 6th March at 21:06 pm, 6 days past his due date. Anyone else have a very quick labour? I had about 26 hours of irregular and manageable contractions before they started to ramp up, got to the hospital at 6cm dilated (I had no idea and thought I’d arrived too early), and after an...
We unexpectedly have my bonus baby tonight and nowhere to stay for two days. Is there any place in Hobbs that could help with a room for a night or two?!
My baby girl is measureing on the 90th percentile 🫠🤣 she’s one chunky girl giving me some pleasant pelvic girdle pain 😤🙂 to the point of where I can’t walk much can’t shower myself at all and I’m basically house potato right now I’m 34 weeks pregnant today
Had our baby shower yesterday for baby boy! I felt so pretty even though I was exhausted, in terrible pelvic pain and can’t see my toes anymore 😅
Would you be okay if a guest wore either of these dresses to your wedding in terms of the colours? I’m worries they’re too ‘white’ (photos in comments)
Was shocked this am after I took a test for “funsies” 🤪 My first (son) is turning 2 in April!! This is so crazy!!!
What size feet are your babies? 16 month old girl is a 4! Just wondering what’s the average size, her body is teeny so when wearing shoes her feet look huge haha!