Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.
Cannot believe tomorrow is my due date! I have cramps and backaches like I'm going to start my period, lots of Braxton Hicks, but baby seems snug as a bug in there still.🤪
My first born came 2weeks early from due date. Now I’m near the end with my 2nd wondering if she will come early too. Did your babies both come early/late? Or different for each!
Super happy - just had confirmation from my ivf clinic that my bloods came back confirming pregnancy! HCG and progesterone levels are where they need to be too ♥️♥️ booked in for a scan in 3 weeks time.
... without telling me you're still waiting. I was making slow cooker fudge at 7:30am 😂
For context I did have my implant out in January so it was planned but we really thought it would take a while this time around! So excited but feeling absolutely terrified and instantly guilty for my little boy. I guess that’s quite normal but wow it’s a whirlwind!
Who is and who isn’t announcing online/social media? I had my 12 week scan yesterday and of course I want to shout it from the rooftops but I’m also a bit hesitant about announcing it early? A bit of a back story.. I’ve had 5 miscarriages, none of which made it to this point so I’ve hit a big milestone but I’m also...
My husband and I currently have a 15 month old and had always talked about having a 2.5 year age gap between our kids. Well, the time is creeping up for us to start planning for baby #2 and we realized we are in no financial position to be having another baby. I’m honestly really bummed about it and just needed to v...
Sometimes I miss when my baby was with me 24/7. When it was just the two of us. Being back at work sucks now :(
i’m coming up to 30 weeks and honestly can’t see how i can go another 10 weeks, i feel so huge and everyone’s been commenting how big i am, boobs are leaking like there’s no tomorrow and baby’s decided he loves being in my ribs, any one else just feel like the end is so close but so far?!
I’d like to have my second as soon as possible but don’t yet have my period back since I’m EBF. What did you do differently that you think helped you conceive?
I appreciate family, friends, and acquaintances checking on me, I really do. But getting these texts everyday now is exhausting 🫠 Makes me want to tell way less people my due date with the next baby. Am I ridiculous or do you feel this too?
Anyone planning on getting pregnant again anytime this year/next?
Especially these March babies! I only seen a handful of babies who came early so far. I’m 39 weeks due on the 16th with 0 signsssssss of my baby coming! I mean I do have Braxton hicks here and there.. i BARLEY have contractions, pelvic pain on and off.. no mucus plug.. no bloody show.. no diarrhea, no pain what so e...
Finally got my period back almost 9 months postpartum. Did not miss it. 🤣
We are over the moon🥹 we haven’t shared the news with anyone yet so I had to share it on here with other expecting mamas 🥰
I’m 36 weeks now with my first, and feeling lots of pressure and almost feels like Ive been kicked between the legs lol And just physically feel exhausted, and my bump is starting to get lower and lower over the past 4ish days Wondering if anyone has had there April baby’s yet? I’m due the first week of April, the...
My little boy was born on 3rd March via elective c-section and I honestly don’t think I have ever been more in love. I have spent a lot of pregnancy being anxious about becoming a mum, but I needn’t have worried as I couldn’t have asked for a better experience so far. Sorry for the soppy post, but for any first time...
How long after you met your man did you get pregnant? 6 months for me 😂😩
Anyone else due soon too? Every day I think - will this be the day?? 🤣 Thinking about trying a sweep this week to see if it will work. I’m going for a VBAC so I need to go into labour before 41wks or I’ll be recommended to get a Csection again which I really don’t want (risk of uterine rupture otherwise). I’ve been…
Excuse my hair 🤣 I bought my first pair of maternity leggings and these things are amazingggg!!! I’ll be 29 weeks Thursday and I can’t wait to have him so tired of being pregnant 😩