I’m due the 5th and really uncomfortable now, a lot of braxton hicks the last few days!
Currently 35 + 3 and I'm due the 11th but having baby on the 4th at 39 weeks and feeling so much pressure and discomfort. I swear baby boy is trying to kick and punch his way out of me.
Our little due 2nd April baby arrived on the 25th Feb 🫣 definitely noticed him drop in terms of bump shape, uncomfortableness, more braxton hicks etc! Unfortunately though it’s not always an indication of how soon they’re coming
I'm due 2nd and deffo feel ready like she's going to come soon 😅
@Emma I’m due the 11th too but booked for 2nd!xx
Feeling similar, I’m getting so many braxton hicks but they are painful along with cramps and back ache. Went into triage the other night cos I was worried I was in early labour but my cervix is closed they reckon baby is just creating massive amounts of pressure when he’s moving around its so uncomfortable
I’m due 13th but so uncomfortable now! I just wanna find out my c section date but they aren’t telling me 😭
I'm due the 4th and feeling similar! X