Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.
I think my waters have gone. I keep just leekng and I've been to the bathroom to to pee and I'm still leeking. Is that my waters? I'm 39+4 today and I had a sweep a week ago and have been 2cms since then and I've lost my mucus plug also since then
Please help. My GP was so dismissive and unhelpful that I’ve now applied to be registered at a different surgery. 8 weeks ago I had an emergency c section and appeared to heal well. About 4 weeks post c section, I started getting a burning sensation in the left side of my abdomen just above the wound site. The wou...
One thing I was never prepared for was the pain that comes with having a swollen vagina. Without being too graphic, I’m in so much pain, I feel like the external parts of my lady area are going to explode any moment from pressure. Google says it’s normal and it’s pressure from the baby’s bead/ increased blood in t...
I had to go for a ultrasound yesterday and they wouldn’t tell me anything they said it’s confidential but my doctor called today with the results saying my baby stopped growing at 8 weeks 6 days and I am 9 weeks 7 days but I had went in on march 5th for a ultrasound because I had bad cramps and was worried because i...
I think I’m in labour I’m having regular tightenings and it’s painful enough that I’m using my TENS machine. I went in to be checked 7-8hrs ago as I thought my waters were leaking and they were, also got my bloody show. We got home at 2am and I’ve tried to sleep inbetween but haven’t managed to, also it seems to me ...
Has anyone had private scans? I’m currently 9 weeks 4 days and have my NHS 12 week scan booked in but it’s for after Mother’s Day and I was hoping to tell the family on Mother’s Day with a scan. Are they worth it? Am I going to find out anything extra or should I just wait for my NHS scan?
I had my 20 weeks scan and have few midwife appointments where they measure the belly old school with measurement tape and listen to the heartbeat through like a Doppler not even proper scan - but I am currently 30 weeks pregnant and they don’t see the scan of the baby. Am I suppose to book something private to chec...
All 9lbs of him lol, had an induction and made it to around 6cm before needing an epidural, luckily my epidural worked wonders and while I didn’t really feel pain I felt a ton of pressure and could intuitively still tell when and how I needed to push so I only pushed for 20 minutes and had no tearing ❤️ here’s my ch...
Hey all!! I hope you're all well! My daughter was born 11/4/24 and is four (and a half) months old! She can roll from back to belly and belly to back, she's trying SO hard to sit up on her own and looooves tummy time and learning how to crawl! I've only gotten her to giggle a couple times, but it made me cry the fir...
Sorry feel like I’m posting every half a day lol 😂🙈 soo after a hoo har about reduced hours my boss has reduced to 9 hours from 12 after I requested 8. Back to work this set of 5 after 2 weeks off and I’ve now been struck with some form of flu/cold sore throat and blocked nose (not sure if sore throat is from…
Hey , I will be getting induced tomorrow but my last cervical exam I was 2cm & apparently she could feel his head .. so does that mean tomorrow if they check and I’m still 2cm or progressed will they just break my waters ? & also can birthing partners stay over night x
Hey girls, I’ve booked my appointment for my smear and I’m really nervous I don’t know what to expect. The last time I was on the bed at the doctor’s like this was when I had my stretch and sweep which caused heavy bleeding and needing to be induced almost immediately. I’m not sure if this is kind of a trauma resp...
Is your baby getting around yet? I’ll put him down in one spot and find him far away in another 😂 he just rolls everywhere, pulls his legs under his belly trying to crawl or he holds onto something and pulls himself. It’s hilarious where I find him sometimes 😂😭
Hi im 32 weeks and in the last week I’ve been to hospital twice due to not feeling baby much. It used to move very regularly especially at night but now it’s hardly anything. Heard baby’s heartbeat fine but obv still worrying. Anyone else experienced this?
What did you all name your boys! My 8 week old is called Noah🩵
Anyone else just as fascinated with these ultrasounds as me 🤯 with my first 5 years ago the best I got was a very grainy black and white 2D 😂 7 more weeks tops til I can hold this little guy! I’m getting excited
Hello 👋 is anyone using pregnancy belt and finding it useful? I'm hoping it might help with back and hip pain when walking, but not sure if it's worth it. Would be great to hear your experience if you have tried one.
Anyone get to a point where they are just on auto pilot and feel nothing?
Hi Sydney mums! I’m a FTM to my 5 month old daughter☺️ I'd appreciate any recommendations you have for baby/pram friendly places(cafes, restaurants, libraries, parks and museums etc) for baby playdate or catch up in Sydney CBD! My daughter is not a big fan of baby carriers so I have to push the pram anywhere we go....
He was born at 7:54am and he was 6lbs 14oz 20 inches long. I only pushed for 5 minutes and I was only in labor for 6 hours. Happy birthday baby boy. 💕🥰