Medically-reviewed expert guides, tips, real-life stories, and articles on Pregnancy.
Was due 3 Dec but arrived 20 Nov! Had to get induced, figured he’d arrive in 24+ hrs and he got here within 4! Went from 1.5cm to pushing in 45 mins.
He was due 27th nov, but due to being an IVF baby they wanted to induce early. Had my induction on the 21st he arrived 22nd via an emergency C-section. I’m so so so in love with my first born! He is everything I could have dreamed for. So grateful for the whole IVF process for getting me here to this point of holdin...
My 14 week old is no longer satisfied unless she is in an upright position. She wants to be sat all of the time but I’m concerned about the pressure on her spine. Her head and neck control is extremely advanced for her age. Did anybody else experience this at this age? I am looking at buying a high chair but don’t ...
Since when do you have to pay for scan images?! This is my second pregnancy and apparently you have to pay for the scan images now?
I’m worried because when I’ve been laid down a while for example during the night and go to get up for a wee sometimes it starts coming out on its own without me pushing or being able to hold it in. I’m 3 days pp. Is this something to worry about?
I guess I just wanted to share and see how many of you feel the same way or if I'm just weird/overwhelmed.
Anyone who has already given birth can you explain your contractions and what they felt like for you ? I know everyone is different - did you find it was more at the top or lower like period pains and back pains?
Has anyone actually had any good experiences with inductions?
Have you ever had a doctor tell you that you’re miscarrying and they were wrong?
A lot of women say that vaginal birth ruins your vagina completely and it never ever goes back to normal and they prefer elective c section. Is it true? I am very confused and scared now. Any experienced mums can you advise me on this?