I wanted mine to be 4 years apart so I wanted to start trying when she was 3. We didn’t have a place or money until she was almost 5, she will be 5.5 now when we have our baby and I didn’t want my kids that far apart at all so I’ve been bummed
yes proud of you guys I know another baby will come when you guys are ready. this world is expensive focus on your baby boy and you guys time will come
Honestly- i think having 1 kid and having 2 kids is about the same financially. Other than things that will be needed in preparation (crib,clothes,car seat) what are u guys seeing as a financial issue?
@DeJah my husband doesn’t make the most money & being a sahm trying to build a photography business, I don’t have very stable income either. We’re barely getting by as is with one, I don’t see how we’d be able to with two. Especially when it comes to buying diapers & wipes
i feel you. another baby will come into your life when the time is right, i hope the same for myself