I am still hiding it from work and have some people from work on social media so will keep it hush hush for another month or two :)
Firstly Huge Congratulations !! I really hate this stigma we have created on being able to tell people. Honestly do what ever is right for you .. I was worried about telling people too early and I’m 15 weeks tomorrow still been selective on who I’ve told and haven’t told work. BUT I told certain people very early as whatever the outcome I would tell them and would want them to be there for me. I haven’t kept off social media purely because I want to hold off telling work for another 6 ish weeks if I can! You do what ever feels right for you.. and enjoy every minute I’ve got everything crossed for you!! ❤️
Ive told friends, family and work but probably going to hold off on social media until either gender scan at 16 weeks or 20 week anomaly scan xx
I’m 14+3 and still haven’t told my family and friends properly, only 2 people know and it’s because I still feel too scared to announce as it’s taken me 6 years to get here with ivf and I worry in case I jinx it. I won’t be announcing on socials at all but I did think I’d feel more ready to tell people by now but I still don’t. I’m hoping when I can feel baby move it might be easier?! But do what feels right for you, I totally understand the nervousness when you’ve been through it x
I'm so sorry for you losses, I'm the same I've had 5 miscarriages and never got this far, I'm 15 weeks tommorow, and I waited as long I could before telling people, but I announced it on Saturday at 14 weeks 2 days after 5 early scans and baby is looking good and growing perfect. It really is a massive milestone now but I'm the same I still worry something will go wrong g but I'm keeping all positive thoughts. But you do whatever feels right for you ❤️ xx
We told parents after the 12 week scan and everyone else after the 20 week scan.
Congratulations!! I had my 12 week scan yesterday and announced it on insta and facebook! My close friends and family knew as soon as I knew because I cant keep something like this from my mum haha. Announcing it publicly yesterday made me feel so much better having people telling us congratulations and that they are so happy for us. Gave me the lift I needed! Xx
Awww huge congrats! I’ve told my close friends and family but not done the big announcement yet. I don’t think there is a right or wrong, just when you feel comfortable 💖