Tell me you're still waiting for the arrival of your baby

... without telling me you're still waiting. I was making slow cooker fudge at 7:30am 😂
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That looks amazing 😻 Any chance of a recipe link 😛

I feel this! I made chocolate chip cookies and banana bread in the last 2 days

Also this looks epic

@Laura Thank you 😊 I couldn't find the link when I went to make it this morning! But it's really easy and I remembered... 600g of chocolate (cheap/own brand chocolate works better) 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 can of condensed milk Mini Eggs (or other topping) Put everything apart from the mini eggs into the slow cooker on a low setting for 40 minutes, making sure you stir it every ten minutes. Once done pour it into a tub/tray to set (I line the tub with brown paper so I can get it out easily once set) and leave to cool for five minutes before adding your topping(s) and gently press them in to the mixture. Then I usually leave the whole thing to set for a few hours, cut it up and then store it back in the fridge 😊 x

@Lauren sounds great 🤤 what's next on your list?

@Kirsty im thinking a lemon drizzle loaf cake might be my next bake. But your post has inspired thoughts of biscoff fudge. Do you have anything else planned?

@Lauren good choice! Ooo I've not tried biscoff yet but I bet that's really good. I better not as I did that this morning and then my husband informed me he's trying to be good 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 so I'll end up eating most of it

Haha brilliant. I’ve been baking once a week waiting and I never normally bake! Just trying to pass time! This week was banana and chocolate chip loaf cake. It’s giving lockdown hobby vibes when everyone made sourdough or banana loaf ha guilty 💁🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️

@Hayley haha I know it did remind me of lockdown too as I don't usually bake either 😅

@Kirsty amazing thanks so much. My hormones are in need of some dopamine/ serotonin so I think this is going to help 😊

I bought a new sudoku book 🤦🏼‍♀️

@Jessica I feel like I should be spending more time doing something like this!

Totally agree with the lockdown thing although I do bake semi regularly. I’ve been reading loads too! Feels like a total luxury of time right now in the in between waiting for baby

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