Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.


So every single time I take a test it’s negative at the time but I’m having major pregnancy symptoms still. When I check them an hour later lines appear? What is going on!! I’d convinced myself I was having evaps or a chemical pregnancy but the red dyes I took today and they’re getting darker? I’m bleeding that’s...



I've had positives since Sunday on the easy@home but 2 negatives with the FR. I'm 10dpo so surely I'd show on the FR?


No period?

Currently 7.5 months PP and my period returned at 5 months PP, I’ve been regular but am currently 4 days late- tests are negative and I’m just wondering if there’s any chance I could be pregnant with a negative test at this point? How long do I go without getting my period before I let my OB know?


Omg why why whyyyyy???

Another negative test 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 I come here everyday to see the dumbest question “can you see a line?” On tests where you clearly see the faint line or second line meanwhile mine are literally just one line! 😢😢😢😢


Positive after a chemical pregnancy

The beginning of February I think i experienced a chemical pregnancy. I was 3 days late and had very faint lines on tests but then started to bleed 2 days later. We then didn’t track this cycle . I am now a week late on my period this month and have taken a test and it’s showing positive (this was taken seconds afte...


Morrisons tests

Has anyone had this problem with Morrisons test? Bottom one I took when I was busting for a wee and shown positive but not convinced as I then did another and shown negative


Positive test

Very faint line but still hopeful!



Are clear blue tests supposed to show a blue line after the time frame? Because I’ve done several and all have blue lines AFTER. Is this what they call evap line?



Hi ladies, I'm a mom to a few babies and I've had a loss, so this post isn't so much for the pep talk through what might be, but help with Clear Blue tests! I've successfully had multiple pregnancies and one pregnancy loss with Clear Blue ovulation tests but I have only used First Response pregnancy tests. Well I ra...


How many days post ovulation did you get a positive test?

Just got a negative at 8 dpo and I know that’s early. With my miscarriage I got my first positive 13 dpo and obviously that didn’t work out


Are my lines getting darker?

19dpo today, 4w6d and this is my line progression from the past 5 days. Do they look ok or like they are getting darker? I thought the bottom was the beginning of a dye stealer but not sure now Waiting for a dye stealer to stop testing 😴


Anyone else stare at a pure white negative test until they convince themselves there is a shadow 🥴 10dpo.

1 baby girl, 2 miscarriages and an ectopic with right salpingectomy just over a year ago. First month testing before period due.. why do we do it to ourselves!



Sooo yall see what i see or am i HALLUCINATING??? okay so i took this test about 8 hours ago, 3 min after taking it i didn’t see anything so i put it back in the box and put it in my trash can. i was getting ready for bed and thought to check it again cause why not… low and behold i think i see the faintist line. ...


Postive? Only 8months pp

So I never have spotting between periods 😅 I started having pink spotting for a few days and then it stopped. Past few days I occasionally have got brown spotting…. I had implantation bleeding with my last pregnancy. So I took this test.. forgot about it and came back to check it andddd I sorta see something. If I…


Evap? Within 3 mins

Is this pos? 3-5 days till period due


Need advice!

Is this the start of an early positive or evap?



Got a positive test, I’m 3 weeks 4 days!!! I am so freaking nervous as I had my loss on January 12nd this year. So it hasn’t even been 2 months but I feel so lucky to already have this positive as it took so long of trying for the first pregnancy! I don’t even know what to think or feel right now.


Start of a positive?! 👀

12 DPO afternoon urine used….pretty sure I can see the start of a vvvfl, anyone else? More photos in comments


Line readers: Is this negative?

So i’m 9 days late for my period but im also 7 months postpartum and exclusively breastfeeding. Since 3 months postpartum i’ve had a period every month (nov, dec, jan) but my february period is the one i’ve missed. I did a pregnancy test today as im late and it came back with 1 line (negative). Shall i retest or w...


Tests help

First picture is yesterday morning with a thin faint line and second photo is in comments. From this morning and I see nothing.


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