
Hi ladies, I'm a mom to a few babies and I've had a loss, so this post isn't so much for the pep talk through what might be, but help with Clear Blue tests! I've successfully had multiple pregnancies and one pregnancy loss with Clear Blue ovulation tests but I have only used First Response pregnancy tests. Well I ran out of First Response tests and had a Clear Blue in my ovulation tests. The only other time I've gotten a faint line was when it ended in miscarriage, so please help! Is this a positive for clear blue? Has anyone else experienced this? When my husband gets home from work we're going to Target for First Response but I need advice! Thanks in advance 🫶
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I’d say it looks more like an evap/indent as the line is thin and looks broken on this picture. Try taking another test, fingers crossed for you! X

@Faith thanks so much 🫶

My positive looked exactly like that, was really early on, probably about 4 weeks. Fingers crossed for you xx

@Georgia oh how exciting! Thank you! 🫶🫶

The test looks invalid and Ike it’s probably an evap

@Amber alright! I'll retest thank you!!!

I'm sorry but that's an avap xx

@Holly thank you! But don't be sorry!!

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