Pregnancy Tests

Whatever you need to know about pregnancy tests, we’re here for you. Discover expert advice and real stories from real women who have been there.

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I got a question yall I found out I was pregnant a few days ago I went in for blood work March 10th it was 6mlg Today March 12th my hcg is 22.9 mlg that's more than double but it's still low. What yall think?


Evaporation/indent or very faint positive

Approx. 7 days dpo, with very light spotting. Will obviously take another test over the next few days


Need advice please TTC

Hi, Need advice I have been having loads of discharge the last two days really heavy and stretchy clear discharge . I also have experienced cramping in my lower left abdomen and I feel bloated. I’ve tested negative to a pregnancy test this morning is it possible I still could be but testing early???


110th negative test :(

Hey guys! I know this is extremely negative test but I’m just feeling so overwhelmed with never getting a positive. After a miscarriage all I get it negative and it’s been 5 months now. I feel so discouraged and nothing I’m doing seem to work and get me pregnant. Is there any tips you guys can offer me? Anything tha...


Ttc after miscarriage

Hi so I had a miscarriage back in January…. I took a test today (at work) because I knew it would be negative. My period isn’t for a day or 2 and we have had sex once this month… this is positive isn’t it? Can these tests be wrong? Incognito because I’m scared to actually tell anyone incase something happens or I...



So I’ve collected my tests and apparently these are all negative evaporation lines🫣 these are obviously turned blue after 10 mins to a few hours so they’re invalid I know. Is it silly it still gave me a glimmer of hope lol


Flash on camera

Hard to tell but is this neg?


Am i crazy or is that 2 lines?

I had a really bad day at work and can no longer work from home and wanted to have a dink after the little went to sleep but figured id take a test before i do... ill probably take another test again in the morning but does that look like 2 lines?



Well hello Nov mommas!! Just found out I'm pregnant 3 days ago and got a positive blood test!!!



9 weeks postpartum, had some stomach pains so dr told me to do a test incase it’s ectopic it came back but the negative test is quite a bold line and a very faint line on the positive, could it just be my hormone levels so close to after birth or could it be a positive 🥺only had sex twice since birth and we’ve been…


First timer

Firstly, congratulations everyone! I got my first set of positive tests after 16 months of trying, 3 months after surgery for my Endometriosis! Totally anxious as expected. My cycle is super irregular. LMP 24th Jan, ovulated around 25th/26th Feb, Clear blue says 2-3 weeks. I'm guessing I'm 4 weeks roughly?!


Never heard of an evap line before… what are people’s opinions on the below?

I’ve taken a digital one after this and it says “not pregnant”



Could this be a evap? I’m 25 days late (pcos) and this has come up today, only a digital is negative!


BFP or line eyes?

Can anyone else see a vvvv faint positive or am I just wishful thinking and it’s a shadow/indent! TTC baby number 2 after a LONG journey for baby number 1!



Had my 16 week midwife appt today. Have to say I have left feeling a bit confused. The midwife said they've picked up some antibodies in my blood test but couldn't really explain to me what this meant. I've reviewed my notes and she's put 'Discussed antibodies - O Pos, suspected R1r NNA initiated' Google isn't givin...


Hi is this positive or negative?

Not sure if there is a line. I’m 11 days late on my period.

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