@Aniyah idk if I can wait another week- in going away on vacation out of the country and will be dying to know what’s up 🤣 🤪
I completely understand. All I can say is enjoy the vacay lol bc u might have a surprise on the way so have as much fun as u possibly can 🥳
I’m currently going through the same thing! It’s been a month since I got my period and I’ve been taking tests and still negative. I get regular cramps like if I had my period but no period. I also got the Mirena IUD so I have no idea if that would play a part.
I just read the comments, congratulations!
@Rebecca I'm right here with you but no hormonal contraception. Day 8 no period but feeling like I'm on my period or PMSing for a week. I'm desperateeee. 4 negative tests.
Well congratulations 🥳🤗
@Aniyah thank you- I’ve started what might be spotting since the test so unsure where to go from here- no blood test until next week- so we wait
I say wait at least another week sometimes they get thrown off even if they’re regular I had a scare a couple of months ago and was 2weeks late and the 15th day it came. But now I’m pregnant again and my baby is 8months 🤣😭