Positive after a chemical pregnancy

The beginning of February I think i experienced a chemical pregnancy. I was 3 days late and had very faint lines on tests but then started to bleed 2 days later. We then didn’t track this cycle . I am now a week late on my period this month and have taken a test and it’s showing positive (this was taken seconds after so not fully dry) am I pregnant? Or could this be hormones messing around after the chemical pregnancy?
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Definitely positive! Congratulations x

Did you have a negative after you bled last time if so then I’d say this is a fresh positive. If not I’d speak with the gp about having some bloods done to check the HCG is actually rising

@Ceri-Ann I never took anther one after I bled

When you have a chemical, HCG usually drops pretty fast. I’ve had two chemicals, and both times when I started bleeding my tests were already negative. It’s unlikely that you’d still have positives over a month later, so I think this is a new pregnancy. I fall pregnant straight after my chemical.

If you didn’t check the test was negative after the chemical I would speak to the gp. While most of the time after a chemical a test will be negative sometimes it’s not. A negative pregnancy test following bleeding is the only way to confirm a complete miscarriage so it’s not clear whether this is a lingering positive due to something being left behind or a new positive from a new pregnancy

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