Sooo yall see what i see or am i HALLUCINATING???
okay so i took this test about 8 hours ago, 3 min after taking it i didn’t see anything so i put it back in the box and put it in my trash can. i was getting ready for bed and thought to check it again cause why not… low and behold i think i see the faintist line.
I have a 20 month old and 4 month old. i got my iud at 6 weeks pp but we did have unprotected sex a few times before the iud. anyways i’ve been having discharge and spotting since getting it every single day and recently been having slight cramps. i decided to take a test and this is what i see a few hours afterwards. what do yall think???
I feel like i see something but because it wasnt in the time frame it could be an evap.