Omg why why whyyyyy???

Another negative test 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 I come here everyday to see the dumbest question “can you see a line?” On tests where you clearly see the faint line or second line meanwhile mine are literally just one line! 😢😢😢😢
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Understandable that you’re frustrated but this is a shitty post to make. People who are also trying don’t believe they see a line after looking for one for just as long as you and want reassurance. This is a place for that, if you can’t deal with it leave the group instead of becoming bitter to people who have been in your exact position.

I actually kinda see something when I zoom in!

@Morgan you can feel how YOU want to feel about my post I’m entitled to my opinion and ”shitty” feeling. I’m not the only one that feels this way. This is a place where anyone can come and vent. I was never bitter towards anyone. A lot of these posts are OBVIOUS with a second line. Go on about your day.

@Megan I feel like I’ve looked at it on so many angles and see nothing 💔today is cd27 and usually my period is here cd24-26. This has been the hardest year conceiving for us.

Test in am again ❤️

@Lillian I’m going to hold off on buying more tests if it’s not here next week I have to definitely see my OB

Yes for sure but I seen some people get very late positive like their body skipped a cycle and went on and ovulated again

@Lillian whoah really? I believe I ovulated some time this cycle days 12-14 I had lots of cramps on day 13. My mom in law says maybe we missed the window or weren’t as active.

I completely feel your pain and no one who hasnt been in this position could ever possibly understand how it feels to constantly see a negative test smh. And i agree, those obvious posts are annoying and very triggering.

Your need to rant doesn’t mean you can call people dumb though, my point still stands. Imagine genuinely being as bitter as you are. It’s gross 🤢

And I have seen multiple negative tests. Just because I’m young doesn’t mean I haven’t I’ve been married and trying since 18 and didn’t get pregnant till 21. Your bitterness clouds your judgement so much that you think you know everyone’s situation. Sort yourself out

@Morgan Lmao bitter? Do yourself the favor and have the day you deserve you sound more hurt than I do over a post. I’m expressing myself and you’re still impacted by it. Seems like you’re the one that that’s bitter 🤢little miss name caller

You can express yourself but I can’t? You can call people dumb for wanting the reassurance you wish you could have? You are bitter and I am having that day I deserve after 3 years with my little girl ☺️

@Morgan 🏆 I am rewarding you with this wonderful opportunity to be labeled as dumb because if you proofread my statement, I never once called anyone dumb.

Calling people wish for reassurance the dumbest questions is basically calling them dumb for asking. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to gather that

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@Morgan you want a cookie? I’m not crying I have kids already 😂

Never said you didn’t, just saying i am having the day I deserve like all the other women on here

Multiple people agree with me clearly, so you keep replying to your flying monkey on incognito 😂

@Morgan and yet you are still engaging 🥱 I can careless if 30 people agree with you. You want your vote to matter go make a change in your community and hop off my sh*t. I’ve had much more engagement off incognito baby girl lol I promise you’re feedback is entertaining while I take my morning dump

@Morgan sweetheart you woke up feeling the need to judge open up your Bible and read Matthew. You can sit on your thrones of interpretation, assume and judge as if you know anything about me. If you’re neck deep in ttc as many of my followers are you’d understand the frustration is not directed towards anyone for their blessings but rather their dull self esteem asking reassurance on the OBVIOUS. You should go comment on the ones that don’t have a second line and be supportive over there instead of thinking you’re coming at me like I won’t clap back and let you know what’s up.

Weird that you have felt the need to go through my profile, I grew up catholic ain’t catholic anymore so I have no interest in reading your verse hun 😂 I’m judging you based off the post you made which I’m well within my right to do, don’t like it block me it’s as simple as that. You posted on an open forum and then are mad at me for commenting that doesn’t make sense. You have your opinion but I also have my opinion of your opinion and I’m not too interested in hiding it. I made my comment then went to sleep 😂 youre still name calling like the bitter woman you are so again my point still stands don’t like it again block me I don’t care. You have your opinion and I have mine that’s not going to change because you think it’s wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️ I do regularly comment on posts go look through the group instead of blindly making judgments just like you continue to do 😬

@Morgan go through your profile? I don’t waste my time going through anyone’s profiles to make a point. I’m not adding fuel to weak flames. You yourself said you’re young. Most I see is your contact picture so again do not flatter yourself darling please don’t 😂

@Morgan please don’t hold back your opinion on the reassurance needed for the obvious second line

Omgosh congrats and oh no so much drama on this post 😭😭😭

@Morgan 😂I used to be catholic as well so again, what wrong am I doing in giving you facts. Go seek Jesus instead of assuming and judging on an open forum. Women are having a hard time ttc and as aforementioned, some women experience several emotions due to triggers. You’re not hurting anyone with your feelings or your opinion. If my arguments weren’t valid I wouldn’t be this successful with my career. Making a difference in the lives of many wonderful families that have struggled to conceive due to their circumstances. So while you boast about your success of having your baby after trying for 3 years, there are women on this app that have been trying for longer.

@Lillian lol she’s young and has energy to debate … I’m young and have diarrhea this morning 😂

Pregnancy 💪🏼 gotta love it and the symptoms lol

@Lillian we have a vfl this morning 🥹

Is the test above yours?

Same honey, never seen a second line ever. I'd love something to even wonder about at this point 🤣 Your not alone I CBA to read the drama just here to say, I know what's it's like to literally have ... nothing no signs, not even a bit of excitement 💓

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@Lillian no I put mine aside at home this morning. OB said to retest in 48hr.

@Loz She’ll be okay. I don’t care for the opinion of people that misinterpret my opinion let alone personalize them and attack. Aside from that there are PLENTY other users that share the same opinion and feelings and have been scared to speak their mind on here because of the users that feel the need to invalidate their emotions.

The tranquil place of Peanut continues 🤣 I very much hope you all got lines you wanted and can enjoy the start of growing your little ones.

Not me just scrolling through the drama congrats doe!

@Yog 😂😂😂😂it is funny and thank you! I got mine today 😩😩😩🥲

Biggest congratulations! Such wonderful news!

Wait you got a positive?!

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