Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Wic formula

Wic doesn’t cover the formula my baby needs so that’s 10 cans they credit me with that don’t get bought any ideas how to get the cans I need ?


Transition to Stage 2 Milk

My little one was born six weeks early and is combi fed. She just turned six months, and I only just noticed Aptamil has a different formula from 6 months! Should I switch her to the stage two milk now, or wait till her corrected age of six months?


1 month old feeding

Just wondering how much your little ones feed/fed at 1 month old, such as how often and how much at a time, I’m formula feeding and my baby doesn’t seem to want any more than previous weeks so just wanted some advice and experience!


5month old reflux baby

How many oz are you feeding your 5month old reflux baby at one time??


Starter pack formula

I have 6 mini bottles of starter pack ready made formula (kendamil) with sterilised teats which I’ll be taking to the hospital and using the first day. Each bottle is 70ml. Do they drink a full 70ml the first day or do I half that mini bottle?


Combi feeding

Hi all! So we’ve been combi feeding since around 2 weeks old. Our routine normally goes like this - Wake up and breastfeed all day about every 1.5/2 hours. Bedtime round 6pm and he will have a formula bottle. I will then pump that feed once he’s gone down which is normally by 7pm. He sleeps through so I set an ...


Mam bottles

Ftm here and feeling a little bit clueless 🥲 how’re you telling how much your little one has eaten? My LG is supposed to be on 4oz according to her weight on the formula box but obviously once formula is added to water it takes it over 4oz line.. after this feed how much would you say she’s had? It is just below…


Kendamil First Stage Formula

I have 3 tins of unopened formula if anyone is interested, collection from Gosport. My little one is on cows milk now.


Is this normal ?

My baby boy went from a 0-3 month size to a 3-6 month size ( still long in the legs for fine but fits everywhere else ) he’s almost 2 months old ( will be on the 17th) he’s formula fed due to being in the Nicu for the first month of his life I tried to pump but due to the stress of being separated from my baby my mi...


Formula milk

How many mls/oz is your little one having? I feel like my little one isn’t drinking as much, breast feeding her and she’s also having meals/snacks through the day. She loves her food and will pick at all our food through the day. She’s having about three/four bottles (5oz, but not fully drinking it all) and breastf...


MAM bottles and Teats

From birth I’ve introduced the bottle to my little girl. We had her on number 2 teat since November but we were finding it as if she was not drinking properly from it. She would have like 1 or 2 oz of formula and spit the bottle out. I’m also BF her and she was just reaching for my boobs instead of her bottle. For t...


Do you need to sterilize bottles if using breastmilk?? For how long?

I saw another post talking about sterilizing with formula, but is breastmilk different?



Thoughts on formulas? I’m currently using similac but it makes my baby fart constantly 😂 as funny as it is, it’s a bit concerning. What are your favorite formulas you currently use? Any formulas out there that are gentle in the tummy? I heard kendamil is a good choice but I can’t seem to find it in amazon. P.s my…


How many ounces is baby taking

My little one is only taking 24 ounces a day and everywhere is saying they should get more than 32 oz . She turns 4 month old tomorrow


Formula in the evenings

So I've been told by health visitors that formula sits heavy on the stomach and is harder to digest, therefore makes baby feel fuller for longer. My 5 month old is only sleeping 1 or 2 hour stretches through the night and I'm struggling. I'm thinking of giving him one bottle of formula before bed but wondered if any...


Bottle teats

When did people up their bottle teat to 1? My baby is 6 weeks old and is still on teat 0 (she’s EBF but has a bottle if we’re out) she spits up still, but I find she’s suckling on the bottle a lot? Is this a sign I need to up to 1?



When did everyone stop sterilising bottles? My girl is 4 months on 9oz and I’m struggling to fit the bottles in steriliser🤣just seeing if it’s worth buying a different one.


Still trying to drop formula!

So our little one is almost 15 months and I’m really feeling the pressure that’s he should be getting ready to drop bottles and should have stopped formula by now. She’s still on 3 bottles of formula, and taking around 20oz of this a day. Nursery are trying her with whole milk but she’ll only have a little. We’ve t...


Sterilising baby bottles

Has anyone stopped sterilising bottles for baby? I know NHS says 12 months but it also says it's for formula so wondered what the general opinion is on sterilising especially if using breast milk


What’s everyone going to use for drinking cows milk once baby turns 1?

Will you gradually ditch the bottle or go cold turkey?


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