We did it with the advice from our nursery, they said keep nighttime and morning bottles, which took the pressure off fully transitioning. I felt so much pressure to stop, I know people will say they don’t need formula, but ultimately, mine just mega likes it and that’s ok ❤️ xxx
For context, he’s almost 15 months too and we only did this very recently ❤️
Thank you both, that’s really reassuring xx
Can you try to just straight switch that mid day bottle for a snack? Our little boy is a milk machine too and it's been struggle too, we only dropped the middle bottle recently and found filling his belly with a snack and trying to keep him as occupied as we could worked x
I’m still feeding my son about 3 bottles of breastmilk a day FML lol. Slowly but surely.
@Lauren that’s an idea! What kinds of snack do you replace it with?
My little girls nearly 16 months and has 3 bottles a day, just cries and cries until I get her milk
Could be anything? Yoghurt, fruit pouch, fruit, toast - might be a good idea to try things you know she enjoys and guaranteed to eat? x
We transitioned to Cows milk and kept with the formula (Toddler 3) at night… we did try a couple of nights with cow milk and she seems to be okay but then she really does want her bottle in the morning when we’ve used cows milk at night.. when we’ve used formula, she’s not as eager to have a bottle in the morning. Keep hearing there’s no actual benefit to formula once they’ve turned 1 but obviously I’m not expert… our issue is she wants her bottle when it comes to milk and I need to transition to the cup!!! She will however have all water in a cup… x
@Lauren I do this! Snack instead of bottle before her daytime nap… she actually has such a good nap if her belly is full as well xx
We stopped giving our boy formula when he turned one seeing as coincidentally that’s when we ran out as well and did a straight switch he is only having a bottle in the morning and a bottle before bed, he has food and snacks inbetween in the day and drinks water to keep hydrated
Just take your time with it. My son is 15 months and we just changed a bottle at a time. Started with the daytime bottle so that was whole milk, then the morning and now he's still on formula at night but that will be the one we'll change next. We're just not in a rush. He's happy 😊. Do things in your own time, don't feel any pressure xx
We were in the exact same boat, don’t worry! We’ve now stopped all formula during the day, just stopped, we offer cows milk in an open cup with snacks (at around 9:30 and 2pm) he either has it or doesn’t, mostly doesn’t. We just give him formula (follow on #3) before bed and when he wakes up in the morning. Since doing it, he’s eating so much more actual food during the day - he was eating really well anyway, but this has upped it and he’s prioritising it and really enjoying it. The thing is, I think he’d drink formula forever if he could because he loves it, but he has cows milk with cereal, loves cheese and yoghurt and has heaps of dairy anyway so he just doesn’t need it and honestly, he hasn’t really noticed it. We’ll drop the morning one and then the night time one when he’s ready in time. Honestly honestly, don’t worry that your baby girl isn’t getting enough, they’re so adaptable, she’ll take what she needs from all the other foods you offer. I felt the exact same as you! Xx