Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.


Anyone’s baby not feeding enough ? My baby was okay till 1st month, since then his feeding varies a lot. He doesn’t take larger volume anyway only sometimes 120ml otherwise half.


Combi Feeding

Hi all Ive been exclusively breastfeeding my 3 month old but now looking to start introducing some formula feeds Whats the best way to go about this?


Milk feeds

How much milk are your 16 month olds having now? I'm currently doing 1 in the morning followed with cereal and then more milk before bed? Wondering if I can just drop to 1 before bed?


Protein powder recommendations

What’s your go-to Whey Protein Powder? Preferably one that isn’t chalky powdery shit 😅


Age of babys first word

My little girl said her first word today - mummy she's 5month 6days old and my first baby was 6 months so was wondering what age was other people's baby's


Introducing bottle to 8 months old

Any idea how to give bottle to my LO? She is breastfed baby with occasional bottle feeding. But now she completely gave up bottle. Any idea how to reintroduced it? I changed the teat size too (initially on 0, now trying to give 3). Should i try diffrent bottle altogether?


Milk formula

Hi I’m going to be first time mum. I am due next month. I was just wondering how do people prepare their babies milk formula for the night feeds?


Snack + cow's milk?

My LO turned 1 a week ago. He's breastfed morning and night, and has been on bottles before his 2 day naps for a while. Over the past few weeks we've slowly swapped formula for cow's milk in the bottles - next step is offer the milk in a sippy cup instead. He eats 3 good meals per day, no snacks. I'm aware I should...


Baby is not eating formula

Girls please help with advice! My 8 months old baby is rejecting all types of formula. She was breastfeeding only but before 3 months old used to have 1 bottle of formula. After 3 months she is not eating from bottle. Even if my milk inside she is fighting to take away. I have tried different nipples and water bottl...


Mam bottles

What teats are everyone using for their 5 week olds?


How long between dinner and bedtime milk?

My daughter has been a bit sicky the last few nights and I changed her dinner from 4.30 to 5 and wondering if this is why. She has dinner at 5 and then bedtime bottle at half 6. Is this too close


Weaning lapse

We were doing really well with weaning and I'd got into a great routine with my boy. He'd have 3-4 bottles a day (roughly 22-30oz a day) plus 3 meals, snacks and water. He's not been himself for the past couple of weeks for different reasons. Firstly he was teething and went off all of his solids completely, would ...


Mam Bottle Users

What Teat size are your babies currently using?


Aldi formula

Has any tried the Aldi mamia formula I’m currently using aptamil has any switched over to the aldi one


Final Feed as Formula

Hi Ladies, Up until this point I have been expressing milk to make up a bottle for the final night feed, which my partner gives to baby. It’s worked ok so far, however I’m finding it a little stressful trying to keep pumping and feeding, originally I wanted to build up a supply stash in the freezer however I’m ...


Is this too colorful for a baby boy?

Maybe I’m thinking too much into this. The world’s a bit different these days.


SMA Alfamino

I’ve finally gone from Aptamil pepti 1 to sma alfamino just waiting for it to be ordered. How has anyone who’s used this found the formula my little one’s has been really struggling, can’t go on his back, screaming after bottles and has some rashes finally on the amino acid based formula and I’m praying it works. J...


4 week old milk intake?

I would love to know how much milk your 4 week old is taking? & how often they vomit?


Formula bottle

Hi all I forgot to wash my baby’s bottle which there’s leftover formula in it been 2 days can I still use it or throw it away? Can I just wash it and sterilise it? I want to be on a safe side he’s 10 weeks old


Nutramigen preparation

Is Nutramigen Puramino prepared with room temperature water like the other Nutramigen? Thanks!


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