@Laura-louise yeah that's true I think he's just got it all going on. He's definitely getting more comfort out of his milk because he's been so congested from his cold, had a bit of a temp, aswell as pain from teething so it seems to be the only thing that soothes him atm and since he was refusing his milk just a week ago I don't want to knock it I'm just glad he's happily taking it😅. I just always have it in the back of my mind about health visitors etc, insisting on them having a set 3 meals a day and maximum of 3 bottles etc. We were at that point but completely back-tracked on it all recently. So true about the happy meals though🤣 we worry for nothing really don't we. As long as they're fed and happy all that matters and they all grow the same way x
@Caitlin my little one is teething too and when really painful he's loves cold food so like yogurt, cucumber or strawberries. Also my HV has never said a certain amount of meals or bottles etc she actually said don't worry if he doesn't drop any milk as some babies still want the same amount and the food aswell. Also she said its all about food being fun at this age and not to worry about it let the baby lead you just expose to lots of tastes and flavours. I'm sure he'll be back to eating as soon as he feels more himself x
Bless him if he’s not himself it’s probably a comfort thing And if he’s teething too. Maybe chewing is painful? If we have sore mouth as adults even we tend miss out certain foods I always follow their lead and gradually introduce so just start slowly again with purées in case it’s is painful I had start stop mine at beginning too There’s no rules or timeline They’ll all eat happy meals by time their 6 anyway 😊