Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.
i’m a ftm , & this is my first pregnancy.. my babygirl is measuring in the 11th percentile right now, i am currently in month 6 im 25 weeks and 3 days. i am carrying really small i can actually still pass for not pregnant with clothes on .. but i feel her moving just fine and everything looks normal on anatomy scans...
Has anyone received their letter for the NHS 12 week scan yet? I’m Warwickshire based
I went for my scan when I was 12+0 and they said baby is measuring 12+5. Do I continue to count my pregnancy from my original dates or the new dates?
I’ve got a scan at 6w6d super nervous not sure what to expect. Has anyone had a scan at this stage and can give me an insight. Super worried for the worst but I know it’s normal to be anxious ❤️ praying for a healthy baby and pregnancy 🙏🏼
At my 20 week scan I was told I had a low placenta just wondering if anyone else is the same
Hi all, were any of your February babies found to have a two vessel cord instead of the usual three? I've just had my 20 week scan and this was detected and I've been booked in for growth scans at 32 and 36 weeks. When I google it I realised how serious it is and now I'm stressed. I never had this with my first (Feb...
Has anyone been induced following a growth scan? I’ve been referred for one tomorrow at 38+6 as it showed that babys growth has slowed slightly on the grow chart. Im not too worried as I know the measurements are usually quite off, but wondering if it’s likely they will recommend an induction 😣
I’ve got my early reassurance scan later today at window to the womb. Just wondering if anyone has been there for their scan? Do they offer you a scan photo or do you have to pay more for them? I went to a different private scan place with my son so just wondering what to expect here.☺️
Does the fundal height get recorded on Badger? I've been referred for growth scans after my 28-week appt, but she didn't say what the measurement was, and I can't find it anywhere on the app 🙈 I've always had white notes where everything was written then and there for me to take away with me, so the app is…
I’ve just found out I’m pregnant with my second, we went to HeyBaby for my first but wondered if anyone has been to the Window to the Womb or any others you recommend?
Can people post their 8 week scan if they had one so I know what to expect? Thank you❤️
Hubby and I have a gender scan booked this weekend, we will be roughly 17 weeks at the scan and are so worried about revealing the gender before confirmation at our NHS 20 week scan. Have heard so many stories of people being told different at each scan 🙈 Guess I have 2 questions… 1. Did you want for confirmation…
Yesterday I had a hospital appointment for baby boy as he was considering small as he was under the line, I’m currently 24+5days pregnant and he’s now weighing 1lb 14oz is this considered normal or too big? The lady who scanned me was not interested in answering mine and my boyfriends questions.
No baby yet, but an ultrasound place near me was offering free ultrasounds to teach their students so I signed up even though I’m due in two weeks…. Baby boys eyes were fully open and blinking during the scan!! How absolutely insane. Can’t wait for this little bundle to be here💙
At my growth ultrasound, the femur measured in the <1%. Did anyone else have a similar result?
Hii! Anyone refusing / refused bump measurements? Personally I don’t believe they are 100% accurate, as the bumps can just be so different for every woman. Also ultrasound is not 100% accurate, plus I don’t really want to get any additional ultrasounds anyway, so not really feeling it. How did it go with you ref...
A bit of fun. This was my 12 week scan, I used the nub theory and was correct, curious to see what other people think. My little one is now 12 weeks old🥰
Hey! My baby has been on profolactins since 3 months old, he’s now 7 months. He’s had an ultrasound all clear but still on the low dose antibiotics. He’s had blood in his urine and positive for leukocytes yesterday, no nitrates so being told this can be normal and not to worry. Told blood in urine could happen due t...
Hi All! Complete my self referral for first appointment with midwife, but said it will be in 4 weeks… im already 4w2d… thought this is a bit late, but they said cannot see me earlier apparently! Does anyone know what blood tests and other tests the first midwife appointment cover?
My hospital called today to book my scan in. She checked the day and time for next week. Then when the text message came through it says it’s a 2 hour appointment?? It most definitely was not 2 hours with my first but that was early 2020. Have things changed that much ?! My appointment is 1:30 so great but I need to...