Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.
I was out and about with my son yesterday. We walked around and wandered into a few stores but I felt as if I was being judged for having my baby boy (6 months old, in his stroller, behaving nicely) with me. The first store, was not greeted at all but the people that came in after me were. The second store just kept...
Hi all, I’m looking for some advice. Does any other mums feel very uneasy about letting their baby go anywhere with dads side of the family? They have asked to have baby for some hours within the next few days. I feel so uneasy at the thought of this. I’m so scared that she doesn’t settle or incase anything goes wro...
The beginning of February I think i experienced a chemical pregnancy. I was 3 days late and had very faint lines on tests but then started to bleed 2 days later. We then didn’t track this cycle . I am now a week late on my period this month and have taken a test and it’s showing positive (this was taken seconds afte...
Has anyone had this problem with Morrisons test? Bottom one I took when I was busting for a wee and shown positive but not convinced as I then did another and shown negative
Literally only ovulated today after getting my first peak in 2 years yesterday 🥹 & yet here I am... already wondering if I'm pregnant at 1DPO 😂 Sending you all baby dust, I hope this month is your special one xx
I’ve never done an ovulation test before. Yesterday I thought to myself, I’m sure I’m ovulating… so I got a test and sure enough! 😅 Just to double check as it is my first time doing an ovulation test, it is positive, right? It’s a Tesco ovulation test. I’m not necessarily consciously trying to get pregnant, but…
Has anyone been prescribed this to help get pregnant? We have been trying for almost 3 years, 4 miscarriages, had every test under the sun… and now I’m booked to see private gynaecologist again and I want to ask to try clomid… is this even possible to just ask for it? My cycle is irregular and I find it so hard to...
Just found out I’m pregnant with my 3rd child. All my kids will be spaced 2 years apart. I am freaking out because I already felt complete and ready to get on with my life again… but I’m scared of what this will do to our family dynamic. With 2 kids I have the time and energy to give everyone the attention and love ...
Very faint line but still hopeful!
Mine is currently saying 2-3 my period app is saying I am 5 weeks
Is anyone also feeling the urge to get pregnant again and go through the newborn phase again?
Are clear blue tests supposed to show a blue line after the time frame? Because I’ve done several and all have blue lines AFTER. Is this what they call evap line?
Are pregmate test accurate? This is my first time using them. I took this test yesterday with 2 others and another 2 just now, but they’re all negative beside this one. I’m wondering in if this could just be a false positive.
Hi ladies, I'm a mom to a few babies and I've had a loss, so this post isn't so much for the pep talk through what might be, but help with Clear Blue tests! I've successfully had multiple pregnancies and one pregnancy loss with Clear Blue ovulation tests but I have only used First Response pregnancy tests. Well I ra...
Can anyone give any tips, advice, products etc that helped them to conceive with second baby? Me and my husband have been trying for almost a year, my husband was on sertraline previously but came off them around 5 months ago now and neither of us smoke or really drink, we eat healthy and exercise, I’m taking foli...
Just got a negative at 8 dpo and I know that’s early. With my miscarriage I got my first positive 13 dpo and obviously that didn’t work out
19dpo today, 4w6d and this is my line progression from the past 5 days. Do they look ok or like they are getting darker? I thought the bottom was the beginning of a dye stealer but not sure now Waiting for a dye stealer to stop testing 😴
1 baby girl, 2 miscarriages and an ectopic with right salpingectomy just over a year ago. First month testing before period due.. why do we do it to ourselves!
I know many people say they will be great, involved, helpful parents then immediately drop all of that once the child/children are born 🙃
Sooo yall see what i see or am i HALLUCINATING??? okay so i took this test about 8 hours ago, 3 min after taking it i didn’t see anything so i put it back in the box and put it in my trash can. i was getting ready for bed and thought to check it again cause why not… low and behold i think i see the faintist line. ...