Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.
Hard to tell but is this neg?
This is really more of a story than anything I just wanted someone to tell. Me and my husband have one baby and she is the most perfect baby in our eyes. Before she was born he wanted 3 and I wanted 1-2 and after she was born we absolutely fell in love and only wanted just one and now I’m starting to consider a se...
Authoritative: This style involves warm, loving, and responsive parenting while setting clear expectations and providing guidance. Authoritarian: This style focuses on strict rules and demands obedience, with less emphasis on the child's perspective or needs. Permissive: This style is characterized by a lack of ru...
So if u keep BD after u ovulation can u still get pregnant or no ??
First time mom, due in a couple months. Advice on how to set boundaries with MIL who wants to be extra involved in babies life? Father of the baby doesn’t mind, but it’s too much for me. I need some more privacy and to be asked before helping / doing things for us and the baby.
I’m 11 months PP and only had one period (end of Jan). No idea when I ovulated but I got fertile discharge later than I would have usually expected it so wondering if I ovulated later as my cycle is still resetting. Am I wishful thinking or is there a shadow of a line here? More pics in comments.
I had a really bad day at work and can no longer work from home and wanted to have a dink after the little went to sleep but figured id take a test before i do... ill probably take another test again in the morning but does that look like 2 lines?
Well hello Nov mommas!! Just found out I'm pregnant 3 days ago and got a positive blood test!!!
These are my ovulation tests. They have now gone down and today's latest one was 0.22 does this mean I have ovulated now and we can stop having sex Thanks
Has anyone been successful with getting diagnosed with PCOS either privately or on the NHS? I’m currently 24 y/o and have suffered the following “symptoms” since I was 11 y/o - excess facial hair (thick & dark hair that grows on my chin and neck) - excess hair on my chest, back and back of the legs/thighs - ver...
9 weeks postpartum, had some stomach pains so dr told me to do a test incase it’s ectopic it came back but the negative test is quite a bold line and a very faint line on the positive, could it just be my hormone levels so close to after birth or could it be a positive 🥺only had sex twice since birth and we’ve been…
Anyone else have problems with their kids always wanting to be held and not a single moment for yourself
Firstly, congratulations everyone! I got my first set of positive tests after 16 months of trying, 3 months after surgery for my Endometriosis! Totally anxious as expected. My cycle is super irregular. LMP 24th Jan, ovulated around 25th/26th Feb, Clear blue says 2-3 weeks. I'm guessing I'm 4 weeks roughly?!
I’ve taken a digital one after this and it says “not pregnant”
Could this be a evap? I’m 25 days late (pcos) and this has come up today, only a digital is negative!
Can anyone else see a vvvv faint positive or am I just wishful thinking and it’s a shadow/indent! TTC baby number 2 after a LONG journey for baby number 1!
Had my 16 week midwife appt today. Have to say I have left feeling a bit confused. The midwife said they've picked up some antibodies in my blood test but couldn't really explain to me what this meant. I've reviewed my notes and she's put 'Discussed antibodies - O Pos, suspected R1r NNA initiated' Google isn't givin...
Not sure if there is a line. I’m 11 days late on my period.
So every single time I take a test it’s negative at the time but I’m having major pregnancy symptoms still. When I check them an hour later lines appear? What is going on!! I’d convinced myself I was having evaps or a chemical pregnancy but the red dyes I took today and they’re getting darker? I’m bleeding that’s...
Does anyone in Scotland that has went private for an FET how long it takes for the transfer after the first consultation! I have my consultation on Friday 28th March. I have been told there is a 4-5 month wait does that seem about right? I’m hoping that’s worse case scenario. Just desperate to get started. Thanks 😀