@Vic yeah it's possibly that. She just said will monitor my bloods and baby may need to have bloods taken from the umbilical cord when born. I just hate that she couldn't explain it to me which has left me in limbo!
Completely understand, not knowing is the worst!
I have a negative blood group and it means that if my baby is positive (which is most likely), our blood groups will be incompatible and my body basically makes antibodies which try to fight off anything that’s in my body that’s not compatible so they’ll give me an injection at 28 weeks and again after birth and that stops that from happening. Sounds like you might have something similar
@Jenna yeah my blood group is positive though, my understanding is the issue is negative mother to positive baby and not the other way round. I'm so confused!
It could possibly mean your baby’s is negative but that would only happen if your partner is negative as it comes from the parents. Have you checked to see what he is?
@Jenna nah I have no idea what his blood group is! I'm so confused and worried by it, I don't even know what antibodies they are but Google is telling me there are lots of different ones. I wish she could have just explained it to me 😔
@Vic yeah it really is! This is my second baby and she's booked me in for a 25 week appt, which you don't usually get in second pregnancy so it's good that they're monitoring me but it's made me worried! She didn't explain that's why I'm having the extra appt
Hey, as you’ve mentioned it may mean your baby has a different blood type to you. Did they say any next steps? Sometimes they give injections to help with antibodies found in the earlier pregnancy tests