Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Growth scan

Hey all, I've got an upcoming growth scan on Monday because apparently my fundal height is measuring on the lower side for gestational age. Feeling a bit apprehensive about how much I should even take this scan on unless there's a very obvious issue (placental failure, low amniotic fluid, etc.). I've seen SO MANY la...


How are we all feeling and what’s our due dates?

It’s early days for all of us and I for one go through a range of excitement and anxiety, especially as the first scan approaches! My rough due date right now is 7th November based on LMP. Just hoping all goes well at the first scan and extending those positive vibes to you all too 🧡


NIPT testing

I got my results back, and saw that I have a fetal fraction of 18% i saw in one of these groups that’s concerned high… anyone else have a high fetal fraction or even can explain what a fetal fraction is?


Paediatric appointment UK

I had a letter come through for my 4 month old, an appointment next week. Nothing on there to say what it is. Is it a routine one like they have when they get their hearing checked when they’re newborns? I know I could just call and ask but don’t want to look silly - I have been auto piloting life and if they to...


Gestational weight.. Interested to know if anyone else has experienced this!

At my growth scan was told baby had dropped to the 37th percentile from the 65th so we’ve got a scan for two weeks time, how ever my question is had anyone experienced this before? And basically if you had did your baby continue to drop or did they gain in weight.. Sorry just a very anxious mum 🙃


Nuchal fold

Hi I'm spiraling a little bit, could you tell me what your nuchal fold result was on your 20 week scan Mine was 3.5 but I have seen it's supposed to be lower then 3 And I've just such a horrible feeling If it is then why haven't they picked up on it?


Scan can’t come soon enough!

Anyone else feel like the wait for the scan is taking forever?! The closer it gets, the more worried I get that something is wrong! My scan is next week when I’ll be 12+6


Triplets - First Pregnancy

I found out I was expecting Triplets at a private scan at 7W3D. I don’t have my NHS scan until 12 weeks, is it safe to travel abroad at 9/10 weeks.


Private Ultrasound

Hi ladies! Could anyone recommend a private clinic for an ultrasound scan, preferably in North London? I don’t have any concerns, I just want to see my baby and make sure he’s doing well. I find it hard to accept that the NHS only offers two scans at the beginning of pregnancy, and after that, we’re expected to be c...


Gender guesses pretty please !

Any gender guessing based on theories ? Measuring 11weeks +3. 157bpm heart rate. 47mm CRL. Will try nub theory after 13 week scan in two weeks .



Does anyone have any idea how I stop panicking that something has gone wrong every day, having to stop myself booking another private scan even though I had one on Monday! I don’t really have a great deal of symptoms and I’m finding it so hard to not worry


16-week midwife appointment - heartbeat

I had my appointment this week, and was expecting to hear the baby’s heartbeat then, but the appointment involved sorting out things my first midwife forgot to do (e.g.: book a test to check for gestational diabetes because of PCOS, give me my NHS exemption certificate, get a test for my blood type). I was wonderin...


Early gender Scan 3 weeks ago

Hey girlies, I had a gender scan 3 weeks ago, but now I’m second guessing. My 20 weeks scan is next week, so I’m waiting for confirmation. What are we thinking ?


Anyone with experience of polyhydramnois?

Anyone got experience or going through polyhydramnois was diagnosed at 31 weeks with it, and got to have regular growth scans to keep checking the deep vertical pocket to see what levels are. Last scan said I had 8.8cm of fluid. What happened with people with this, did they get induced or have child early.. did it g...


28 week scan

Got a scan on Tuesday. Do I need to go with a full bladder like my 12 and 20 week?



Head circumference Please has anyone been told their child's head is measuring big? My son is 3months and head circumference was measured around 8weeks. HV mentioned it will be re measured and it is big. Did the measurement again and it's still measuring big. Now we have been referred by to the GP to know the way ...


Gender guess 12w3d

Im getting so impatient waiting for NIPT results 😩 it’s my first, what do y’all think, boy or girl? More pics in comments



Hi all! Had my first ultrasound at 8w. OB said everything looks great. Heartbeat is strong 170bpm. Does this look weird? Around the head part? Not sure why this is freaking me out lol.


Anatomy Scan

Little Miss is doing great!! I’m 20wks 5d and she measures 21wks exactly! Just enough limbs, and just enough organs lol. And the BEST ultrasound of nightmare fuel😂 I can’t wait to see her again in my growth scan booked for May💖


Small follicles

Hi everyone Just looking for some hope. I’m on day 5 of stims today (5th injection tonight). Just had a scan and all follicles are measuring less than 10mm 😫. I’m on max dose so it can’t be increased. Got another scan on Monday. Just very worried they won’t grow and round will be cancelled. I have very low AMH…


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