@Charlotte okay. Thank you very much. I am super worried and can't even lie. But I will see what the Gp says on Tuesday
I don’t know if this is good advice but I was told my sons head was measuring big, however he is a big boy and his head is in proportion with his body so I personally am not concerned. They are following tick boxes etc and they have been wrong so many times in the past with my other two on these things. I however can’t see your baby so you have to make your own decisions but while my child is happy, thriving and growing into such a strong big boy I’m just going with the flow. Of course his head is bigger if my boy is big so I’m not worrying over their charts on what is a healthy baby. If I see something I’m massively concerned about or if something doesn’t feel right then I’ll look in to it but for now I’m letting him be and to continue to grow at his own pace. Hope your baby is ok.
@Danielle thanks Danielle. Tbh he look okay to me. He is 6.39kg and 3month 1week. He feeds well and all that good stuff. But reading everything online that could cause large heads got me so worried. I have been crying since this morning. We have a Gp appointment on Tuesday and I am so scared. He has green veins beside his face too which I saw can be signs of abnormal big head. May be is my head over thinking it. But to me he looks just normal 🥹🥹
I don't know if you can see the vein.🥹 so sorry I am boring you. I am just so worried
Try not to worry. Wait until your GP appointment because there isn’t much you can do until then. If there is a concern then the doctor will pick up on it. If you think all is ok then it will be. In regards to the veins some babies show more, especially if they are lighter skinned then they are more visible, my son has a darker complexion so I cant see his as much, not sure about your baby but I’m light skinned and I see my veins especially my boobs at the moment because of breastfeeding 😂 You have a few days until the appointment so just enjoy your boy, maybe get some fresh air as we have nicer weather at the moment. Please don’t worry yourself though as the stress isn’t good for you and if there is something then it will be ok and you’ll deal with it. I have an older son with autism so I have to be strong for him. We mamas have got this 💪 we are aloud to be scared and worried though but we have to fight for our kids too. I definitely have my moments though. I wish you all the best.
@Danielle thank you ❤️
@Charlotte oh that's lovely. They didn't mention anything about not being concerned. They just said it's still measuring big and would have to go to the GP. It was only the Gp who just casually said " my son looks okay" I don't know. And to think it was normal at birth and now they saying it's measuring big.